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There is now more than a week that President Donald Trump has appointed Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court, here are seven races in the Senate where the candidacy has become an issue of the contest.


Senator Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., Said: "I am going to follow the same approach as I already have Court vacancy.After the announcement of the President, I Will look carefully at the record and qualifications of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. "

Republican candidate Mike Braun said: " President Trump has chosen another outstanding justice in Brett Kavanaugh. "I can immediately say without hesitation that I would support this appointment and hope that the Senate will act quickly to confirm the choice of president. "


About which Bill Nelson, D-Fla., Said: "I look forward to meeting Judge Kavanaugh to discuss his views on several issues such as the protection of women's rights, access to health care for those who suffer from pre-existing illnesses. will make my decision after that, "said Nelson in his statement Initial ration via Twitter, then, in a July 16 fundraising email, Nelson said, "If you want to stop McConnell's plans to put another right-wing extremist in the Supreme Court, affordable health care and dismantle Medicare, you need to make sure right now that Democrats are taking over the Senate by winning in Florida.

What Florida Gov Rick Scott, Nelson's challenger, said: "I am pleased that President Trump has appointed Justice Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court and looks forward to hearing from him." Even though Bill Nelson has committed last week to voting against the candidate without knowing who he was acting on, he must do his job and give him a fair hearing. I waited to comment on the candidate until there was one. "


What Said Senator Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. "I look forward to thoroughly examining Judge Kavanaugh's case in the coming weeks as the Senate considers his appointment to replace Judge Kennedy."

Which Republican opponent Josh Hawley said: "Judge Kavanaugh is a remarkably qualified candidate for the Supreme Court. I have every confidence that it will respect the Constitution as people have written it, and will not impose its values ​​on the judiciary. And that's what people deserve. The balance of the court turns on this appointment and I applaud the president for his reflection on this decision. Unfortunately, the deciding vote may well rest on Senator Claire McCaskill – who was wrong to nominate Supreme Court candidates each time.


From which Senator Dean Heller, R-Nev., Said: "Justice Kavanaugh has a record of adherence to the Constitution and has demonstrated a commitment to interpret the law – do not do it – I expect the US Senate to conduct a fair and comprehensive confirmation process, and I look forward to meeting the candidate. "

What Said Jacky Rosen: It is essential that the next Supreme Court Tribunal affirms its belief that the Constitution protects individual freedoms, including reproductive rights. I have serious reservations about whether Judge Kavanaugh will meet this standard. Nevadans will closely monitor whether Senator Heller will be an independent voice who will ask these difficult questions, or whether he will once again bow to his party leaders and approve of another President Trump's candidate. "

North Dakota

What Senator Heidi Heitkamp, ​​DN.D., said: " All that changes for me is that we now have a candidate. .. Now I'm going to have Work to review and thoroughly check his file to provide advice and consent to fill this position. … A thorough and fair process has taken place for Justice Gorsuch, which I have supported, and it should and should be happening again now, "she said in a statement via Twitter. [19659004] What Republican challenger Kevin Cramer said: "He is strongly committed to the rule of law and the US Constitution and holds firm to the concept of constitutional separation of powers to ensure government accountability and protect our freedom . His temperament, his educational background and his past judicial experience have more than qualified him to sit at the highest court in the country. I believe that these characteristics and values ​​are fully in line with the expectations of the majority of North Dakotans and for these reasons, I support his appointment and strongly encourage our Senators from North Dakota to unite to support this exceptional candidate. This is a winning choice for North Dakota and deserves our two votes. "


What the Democrat Phil Bredesen Said: " An Important Part of One The senator's job is to approve or reject the appointments that the President makes to the judiciary. In the Senate, I will vote for or against a candidate based solely on the question of whether I believe it to be highly qualified and ethical – and not based on partisan politics. Looking to the future: the presidential candidate for the Supreme Court deserves a fair and timely confirmation hearing. This is an opportunity for the Senate to get back to the basics and show that it can do its job.

Republican Marsha Blackburn said: "Judge Brett Kavanaugh will make a beautiful Supreme Court, and I thank President Trump for appointing a strong Constitutionalist with proven track record in upholding primacy of the law. The Tennesseans are frustrated by liberal activist judges and judges who too often legislate from the bench. I know that they will be well served by Judge Kavanaugh. "

West Virginia

What Senator Joe Manchin, DW.V said: " I take very seriously my responsibility to advise and give my consent to a Supreme Court candidate . As I did when Merrick Garland and Neil Gorsuch were appointed, I evaluate Judge Kavanaugh's record, his legal qualifications, his judicial philosophy and, in particular, his perspective on health care . I encourage the West Virginians to review their qualifications and share their thoughts and concerns with me. "

Which Republican Patrick Morissey said: " Western Virginians are tired of Senator Manchin's political calculation and pimping for the liberal elites. Voters in West Virginia were clear in 2016 when they overwhelmingly elected President Trump over 40 points, and now they have the opportunity to remind Senator Manchin to stand with our President and a highly qualified candidate at the Supreme Court. you'll see over the next month you started seeing him last week, it's that Joe Manchin is strolling, riding that fence. Joe Manchin knows that he will finally vote for Kavanaugh, that he is going to be in a very difficult position with Chuck Schumer and his liberal donors. "

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