How the intermittent or 16: 8 diet can help you lose weight



The 16: 8 diet or intermittent diet is a newly found way to lose weight. It will also help you to become physically healthy socially and emotionally . This type of diet requires 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours of meals. In these 8 hours you can eat what you want without measuring your caloric intake. Then, in 16 hours you are limited to eat. On an empty stomach, you can simply drink water, black tea, coffee or soda.

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Jennifer Burk via Unsplash

How does the 16: 8 diet work?

The 16 hours of fasting allow the body to digest your food intake longer than usual. The longer the body digests food, the greater chance of losing weight. Digestion ends up burning other toxins and fats after eating.

The suggested time to eat is between 10 am and 6 pm while the suggested fasting hours will be 16 hours after the 6:00 pm the following day . This is suggested for your fasting hours to fall just under your sleep time.

However you are free to choose the time of your intermittent diet according to your convenience .

Possible Benefits

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Clem Onojeghou via Unsplash

Physical Health

According to Healthline, in addition to losing weight, the researchers found that the intermittent diet will help you lower blood pressure, improve glucose (prevent r isques of diabetes), cell repair (slow down aging process) and reduce the risk of breast cancer .

Mental Health

Intermittent feeding will help stimulate your brain. It increases the brain hormone and can help the growth of new nerve cells.

When your body is healthy, your mind will also be healthy. The study shows that this diet will help you sleep better and reduce anxiety. That said, your mind can rest and function well.

Alan Ko via Unsplash

Social Health

The intermittent diet will eventually burn fat and repair your cells, which means you can already have the body you want . You will also gain self-confidence. Once you are confident, you are not ashamed and afraid to spend time with your friends.

Emotional Health

Many people now suffer from depression and intimidation. An important factor that contributes to bullying is their physical appearance. While some are depressed to be fat or ugly. This will somehow solve the problem of many people suffering from obesity or obesity that affects their emotional stability .

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