Israel evacuates hundreds of members of White Helmets rescue group from Syria – Syria


Israel rescued hundreds of members of the Syrian "White Helmets" humanitarian organization on Saturday, allowing them to cross the Israeli-Syrian border and transport them to Jordan. The operation was confirmed by both the Israeli army and the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
"After a directive from the Israeli government and at the request of the United States and other European countries, the Israeli army recently completed a humanitarian effort to rescue members of a Syrian civilian organization and their families. families, "said the Israeli army.

Israeli evacuation operation of hundreds of Syrian White Helmets militants in Jordan IDF Spokesman Unit

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that US President Donald Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau were two of the Western leaders who asked Israel to help White Helmets members leave Syria. "Those people who saved lives were now under deadly threat," Netanyahu said in a statement. "I have therefore authorized their transfer by Israel to other countries as an important humanitarian measure."

On Saturday, Israeli security forces closed roads in the Golan Heights on the Syrian border before the evacuation operation.