Jakarta police shot down 56 suspects and killed 11 in the first nine days of the street anti-crime operation


A recent wave of violent street crime in the Greater Jakarta region, coupled with security concerns ahead of the upcoming Asian Games, has led Jakarta police to report a one-month operation against thieves and other street criminals. Disturbingly, the police were asked not to hesitate to shoot suspects as they tried to "resist in any way" to the operation, which activists denounced as a human rights violation opening the door. leads to summary executions by the police. Police recently revealed the results of the first nine days of the operation, from July 3 to 12. According to their data, they arrested 1,952 alleged criminals, 320 of whom were charged while the others received "counseling" before being released.

GIAT OPS CIPKON SIANG HARI POLSEK PANCORANPolsek Pancoran Laksanakan Ops.Cipta Kondisi Siang Rabu, Tanggal 11 Juli …

Posted by HUMAS POLDA METRO JAYA on Friday, July 13, 2018

On these arrests, 52 suspects were shot by the police, apparently for trying to resist one way or another. Forty-two of them were injured while the other 11 were killed.

The operation involved approximately 1,000 officers divided into 16 teams to monitor certain crime-prone areas of the capital, including bus stations and railway stations.

The National Human Rights Commission the man (Komnas HAM) and the Commission for Missing and Victims of Violence (KontraS) criticized the police operation and warned that it recalled the application of the law by the dictatorship of Suharto.

"When playing with thieves, what is the difference between them (the police) and what happened during the incidents P etrus a said the National Commissioner for Human Rights, Sandrayati Moniaga, on Sunday quoted by Tempo

(Petrus referring to "penembakan misterius" or the mysterious shots that occurred from 1983 to 1985 involving Thousands of alleged criminals who have been mysteriously shot dead by infiltration The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, was quoted as saying that his bloody war on drugs was directly inspired by the killings of Petrus.)

The director of the Jakarta Legal Aid Institute, Alghifarri Aqsa, urged victims of police shootings and their families to report illegal actions and called on the police to re-evaluate the policy, saying that he do not act not protect thieves b Protecting the principle that suspects should be considered innocent until proven otherwise in court.

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