Japan develops artificial shooting stars technology in the world FIRST | Science | New


The Tokyo-based Astro Live Experiences (ALE) start-up builds two microsatellites that will go into Earth orbit and release 400 tiny pellets that will reproduce shooting stars.

The company revealed that the first show will take place in Japan 2020, but after that private companies and governments will be able to put a meteor shower no matter where and when.

They will also be able to produce different colors.

ALE says on its website: shooting stars by projecting particles, made of special materials, from microsatellites in orbit.

"When the particles re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, they burn through a process known as plasma emission, creating the appearance of shooting stars." [19659002] The first satellite will be launched on a rocket launched by the Japanese space agency in March of next year, while the second satellite will be transported a few months later on a private rock

Both Satellites will have enough pellets for 20 to 30 events, said ALE, and if the sky is clear enough, each show could be seen over a distance of 124 miles.

ALE chief engineer Ko Kamachi said: plan to push a worn satellite into the atmosphere into a targeted orbit to create a giant artificial shooting star. "

It is not known much ALE will charge people or organizations for an artificial meteor shower, but Lena Okajima She said:" We are aiming the whole world because our stock of shooting stars will be in space and can be delivered around the world. "

Not only will the show be accessible to the world, it is spectacular, but the company says it will help scientists learn more on natural meteors.

His website states: "By studying the path of artificial shooting stars where the angle of incidence, speed and materials are known, to better understand the mecha nics of stars shooting and natural meteorites.

"The upper atmosphere in which our shooting star particles will burn has little present means of observation and remains one of the least understood parts of the atmosphere.

This project will be useful for predicting the trajectory of satellites and artificial objects when they enter the Earth's atmosphere.

"This has potential applications in the safe disposal of debris space. "

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