Jim Graff: How to handle our worst days | Faith


I think we would all agree that there is no better person to model your life after Jesus. What I love, is that his life teaches us how to handle the best of days but also the worst of days. The darkest day of Jesus on earth was without doubt the day of his crucifixion. In the student we learn how we can also handle our most difficult hours.

This is the first thing Jesus taught us. On our worst days, we must forgive those who are closest to us. In Luke 23:34, while Jesus was hanging on the cross, He asked forgiveness for those who killed him.

So, in our worst days, we must help those who suffer like us. In Luke 23: 39-43, we see how Jesus treated a criminal who was crucified right next to Him. He deserved to die, but Jesus still showed mercy and helped him in his difficult moments. Obviously sorry for his mistakes, the man said, "Jesus, remember me when you come to your Kingdom." To which Jesus replied, "I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise. "

The worst days, we must take care of those closest to us. John 19: 26-27 shows us how Jesus thought about his family and friends, even when he was hanging on the cross. The passage reads as follows: "When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved nearby, he said to her," Woman, behold your son "and to the disciple," Behold your mother. " On, this disciple has taken in his house. "

Then, on our worst days, we must allow ourselves to be human." Matthew 27: 45-46 exposes the humanity of Jesus while he is dying on the He cries, "My God, my God, why did you forsake me?"

Here is another one: In our worst days, we must choose to give in. Jesus did this when he prayed: "Father, I put my spirit into your hands." Although he did not understand why he had to do what God asked him to do, he gave up his will to God's

our worst days, we must be humble enough to receive what we need.

In John 19: 28-29, as Jesus dies for the people who crucified Him, He asks these same people a glass of water.Even in his most difficult day, he was able to show humility by asking something to those who had hurt him.

Finally, in our worst days, we must remember that God always ends with what He calls us by faith. Jesus did this in John 19:30, when He finished His darkest day with the infamous words: "It's over."

Thank God, we too can declare "it's over", in full faith that our worst days God will help us do his best. With a Father like our God, there is always hope!

Jim Graff is the senior pastor of Faith Family Church in Victoria. Visit myffc.com.

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