The film revolves around Batman's archenemy and is touted as "an original and unprecedented story never seen on the big screen"
HOLLYWOOD, CA – JULY 11: Joaquin Phoenix attends the premiere of D & ## 39, Amazon Studios "Do not worry, It will not be far off" at ArcLight Hollywood on July 11, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Christopher Polk / Getty Images / AFP == FOR NEWSPAPERS, INTERNET, TELCOS AND TELEVISION ONLY ==
Official details about the upcoming movie about the Joker, the cartoon villain, are finally here : Joaquin Phoenix will play the main project Warner Bros., with Hangover Todd Phillips performing.
The film, which begins production later this year, revolves around Batman's nemesis and is touted as "an original," according to a statement released Monday by Warner Bros.
"The exploration of Phillips by a man ignored by society is not only a study of character, but also" 19459013
It is unclear whether Phoenix will actually play the nasty DC Comics (although this seems to be the case), and a representative of Warner Bros. did not respond immediately to The Times request for confirmation
Phillips, who is best known for comedies such as Old School and War Dogs, co-wrote the screenplay with The Hunter scribe Scott Silver. The film will be produced by Emma Tillinger Koskoff and executive produced by Richard Baratta.
Previous reports indicated that the film will not link directly into the DC universe that was restarted in 2013 and led to the last Justice League team films [19459014
The project was announced (and subsequently started) at San Diego Comic-Con last summer, with fans arguing that the character had been overexposed in recent years.
Jack Nicholson and Mark Hamill have already played the crazy maniac, and the late Heath Ledger earned a posthumous Oscar for his take on the Joker in 2008 The Dark Knight.
The Oscar winner, Jared Leto, played the role of the criminal in the film Suicide Squad and should appear in his own film for the studio
In 2017, The star of the hangover Zach Galifianakis expressed the Jo ker in animation The movie Lego Batman.
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