John Cena’s Instagram: The Cena Strikes Back


As we continue to browse along John Cena’s Instagram account, it reaffirms our belief that he is a must-follow especially for WWE fans. As he continues to keep this connection open with his fans, we take a look at another set of posts as Cena brings his “nerd” on with Star Wars posts.

Let’s Do It

An early reference to his Star Wars postings was this simple picture of Senator Palpatine smirking confidently projecting his authority. Fans of the Star Wars prequel memes would know that one of his iconic quotes is the simple “do It” from Attack of the Clones. And so, with this post, Cena himself commenced the posting of tidbits from this universe.


Star Wars day recognised worldwide as May 4 (May the fourth be with you). During this time, Cena went on and posted a pair of SW-related pics to join the celebration. The first of which was this action-figure mixing the Wookie Chewbacca with superhero Aquaman. It was an ironic tandem of epic proportions that solicited head scratches. However, who are we to judge Cena’s choice of posts. We are all his fans simply enjoying his IG feed.

Darth Hogan

The later post revolving May 4 came in this crossover between the Star Wars Universe and wrestling. With Hulk Hogan molded to the image of Darth Vader, Cena combined the two biggest heels in both worlds to create this epic post (we’re going with Hollywood Hogan here). Besides the look, John Cena also utilised the iconic words of these two personalities: Vader’s “I am your father,” to his son Luke, and the Hulkster’s “brother” to end the statement.

Vader X Queen

In another ironic Vader crossover, Cena put the Sith lord on stage with Queen while carrying eccentric frontman Freddie Mercury. It’s a beautiful picture. Vader mightily posing while Mercury is on his shoulders with a fist held high. The only downside to this picture is that Vader wasn’t using the force to lift the singer up.

Pimped Out Land Speeder

It’s Luke Skywalker’s land speeder as seen in the desserts of Tatooine in A New Hope. What makes this worthy of Cena’s feed is that it’s tricked out in a black base paint with gold trims and what looks like a Pontiac Firebird sticker on the hood. There are no text and no explanations, just an iconic Star Wars vehicle with a twist.

Imperial Volcano Rabbit

Who knew that combining the evil Empire, it’s destructive Death Star, the Stormtroopers, with a type of rabbit would make such an interesting Instagram picture. John Cena knew, and he shared it with the rest of the WWE Universe.

This Picture of Han Solo

With this picture, it’s best to refer to his IG bio again…

These images will be posted without explanation, for your interpretation. Enjoy.

(Photo Credit: @johncena on Instagram)

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