Judge weighs up supervision before deadline for family reunification


SAN DIEGO – At a deadline, a judge will review Friday the Trump administration's follow-up, which must meet a longer deadline for the reunification of separated families at the border. [19659006L'AmericanCivilLibertiesUnionaffirmequel'administrationn'apasrespectél'échéancedemardidernierpourréunifierdesdizainesd'enfantsdemoinsde5ansetdevraitdoncêtresurveilléedeprèscarplusde2000enfantsde5ansetplusrejoignentleursparents19659007] The administration challenges this qualification, saying that it brought together all 58 children under 5 who were eligible and that she complied with the judge's order. He acknowledged that 19 of the 58 had been reunited on Wednesday and the other Thursday – two days after the deadline – "for logistical reasons specific to each case".

Friday's hearing is the fourth in eight days. District Judge Dana Sabraw Monitors Process

Last month, Sabraw, appointed by President George W. Bush, gave the administration 14 days to reunite children under 5 and 30 days to reunite children 5 years old and over. The ACLU said Thursday in a joint statement that it wanted the administration to provide a list of all children aged 5 and over by Monday to "make sure that reunification plans are not randomly formulated at the last minute ". reunited families starting on Tuesday and parental checks and background checks completed before Thursday.

The administration agreed to deliver the list of children three days earlier than the ACLU h the level of detail desired by the ACLU. It has not publicly committed to any other interim measure before the deadline of 26 July.

The administration initially provided a list of about 100 children under the age of 5 who were considered eligible for reunification by this week's deadline. less than 60 thursday. He stated that the parents of 11 children were excluded from their criminal background and that seven were found not to be parents. Others were considered a danger to the child.

The judge should also rule on whether a dozen children under the age of 5 whose parents have been deported should be reunited.

They are reunited in the week following the parent's obtaining travel documents for the child, while the government seeks "flexible hours".

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