Korean rivals' generals discuss facilitation of military confrontation »Manila News Bulletin



By The Associated Press

SEOUL, South Korea – Generals from the Korean rival met on Tuesday at their common border for Seoul officials say the meeting comes a few days after North Korea reported the remnants of the US war dead, the latest sign of a flourishing diplomacy following the threats of war from last year.

  North Korean Lieutenant-General An Ik San his South Korean counterpart, General Kim Do-gyun, at a meeting at the Peace House at the border village of Panmunjom, South Korea, Tuesday, July 31, 2018. Korean rival's generals met on Tuesday at their common border According to Seoul officials, the Seoul authorities decided to relax the military pressure for several decades (Korea Pool / Yonhap via AP)

North Korean general An Ik San, second from right, shakes hands with his South Korean counterpart Kim. Do-gyun at a meeting at the Peace House at the border village of Panmunjom, South Korea, on Tuesday, July 31, 2018. The Korean rival's generals met on Tuesday at their common border for talks Seoul officials said (Korea Pool / Yonhap via AP) [19659006] General officers discussed ways to implement the April inter-Korean summit agreements on non-nuclear military issues, but no announcement Important talks are expected at the border village of Panmunjom. Some experts say that South Korea can not agree on drastic measures to reduce animosity unless the North takes serious nuclear disarmament measures.

At the April 27 summit, Korean leaders agreed to disarm prevent accidental clashes along their contested maritime boundary and put an end to all hostile acts. Since then, the Koreas have dismantled their front-line propaganda speakers, re-established a military phone line and held their first general talks since 2007.

Tuesday is the second such meeting since the summit. The generals will probably discuss the suppression of the number of military guards at Panmunjom, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the area and the withdrawal of some army guard posts from the demilitarized zone, a buffer zone that separates the two countries. . They can also talk about ways to ensure that their fishermen operate peacefully along the Korean border, the site of several bloody naval skirmishes in recent years.

The Ministry of Defense will not discuss any detailed program of the talks.

The meeting began in a friendly manner with delegates from both countries saying that they were expecting to produce significant results.

The head of the North Korean delegation, Lieutenant General An Ik San, stated that he felt a "sense of mission" to contribute to peace. co-prosperity between the Koreas. His South Korean counterpart, General Kim Do Gyun, said he was confident that the talks would produce "achievements that South and North Korea and the international community want," according to reports from the southern press. -coréenne. A few days after North Korea brought back dozens of American soldiers who had disappeared from the Korean War between 1950 and 1953, leader Kim Jong Un promised at a summit with US President Donald Trump in June 1965 [19659006] "At the Singapore meeting, Kim is also committed to the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula while Trump has promised to provide him with security guarantees," he added. . North Korea has not taken serious disarmament measures since.

The North suspended its nuclear and missile tests and shut down its nuclear test site, and recent satellite photos showed that the country had also begun to dismantle key facilities. at its main rocket launch site. But many foreign experts say that this is not enough to prove its seriousness in terms of disarmament, saying the North must first submit a list of nuclear assets to dismantle.

To reward the return of the war, North Korea may demand that the United States hear a declaration to end the Korean War as a security guarantee for the United States. According to analyst Cho Han Bum of the Korean Institute for National Unification of Seoul, this issue could be discussed on Tuesday.

The Korean War ended with an armistice and not a peace treaty, leaving the peninsula in a state of technical warfare. North Korea has long argued that its nuclear weapons aimed to cope with US military threats, saying it wanted to sign a peace treaty with the United States to formally end the war. This could allow the North to demand the withdrawal of 28,500 US troops deployed in South Korea.

Ah, the North Korean delegate mentioned a South Korean report that North Korea would ask South Korea for the end of the war. "Before determining whether this report is accurate, I realize that the entire population of North and South Korea think highly of our meeting."

Tags: diplomacy, inter-Korean summit, North Korea, South Korea, South Korea [19659020] (function (d, s, id) {
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