Listeriosis outbreak: what is it? What are the symptoms? How can I catch it? Which foods should I avoid?


More than 40 products have been recalled from several large British supermarkets because they may contain listeria.

The bacterium is responsible for the rare infection, listeriosis, which has killed nine people since 2015, including two from the UK.

The European Food Safety Authority has identified 47 cases of listeriosis in the last three years, including 11 in Great Britain.

The NHS says the infection usually goes away on its own, but can cause serious problems for pregnant women

According to the NHS, several types of foods may contain the bacteria [19659002] Foods do not always cause listeriosis, but they are the most common

  • unpasteurized milk
  • dairy products made from unpasteurized milk
  • soft cheeses
  • refrigerated foods ready to eat, like pre-packaged sandwiches and deli

You can also catch it if you have the infection and have not washed your hands before handling the food you eat, or by close contact with the farm animals , especially sheep and cows.

What are the symptoms? you do not need to worry if you have eaten the foods mentioned above.

In most people, listeriosis shows no symptoms or causes only mild symptoms for a few days, such as:

  • a high temperature of 38 degrees above
  • and pain
  • chills
  • feeling sick or vomiting
  • diarrhea

NHS counseling

If you are pregnant and think you have listeriosis, call your midwife.

Request an urgent appointment GP think you have contracted the infection and suffer from a disease that weakens the immune system (such as diabetes) or who is following a treatment like chemotherapy or if you think that your baby could be reached.

If left untreated, listeriosis can cause serious infections such as meningitis in babies and people with weak immune systems.

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