Lorenzana joins AMCDRR »Manila News Bulletin



By Francis Wakefield

Defense Secretary Delfin N. Lorenzana joined the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) , opened on July 3rd. 2018, in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

  Delfin Lorenzana, Secretary of Defense

Delfin Lorenzana, Secretary of Defense (photo issued with permission of the Office of the Secretary of National Defense)

Co-organized by the Mongolian Government and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), the AMCDRR 2018 is a three-day event involving 2,500 participants, including representatives from more than 50 countries and 1,500 organizations in the Mongolian capital.

The conference aims to accelerate efforts to reduce and prevent disaster losses through the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, which was approved by the World Health Organization. United Nations General Assembly following the Third United Nations World Conference on Disasters "Today, we reiterate our collective commitment to the priorities of the Sendai Framework and its seven global goals," said Lorenzana. who was one of the speakers of the event.

The Chief of Defense stated that the Philippines is exposed to natural and man-made risks and is exposed to evolving risks related to climate change: "Our main objective remains the protection of lives and the prevention of losses in productive assets and the protection of our economy.We strive to ensure safer, disaster-resilient and climate-resilient Filipino communities. "

Lorenzana explained that, through the National Council of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management, the Philippines illustrates a multisectoral and multisectoral approach, a national platform of stakeholders for risk-sensitive development and innovative risk management, which is replicated from the national to the local level. regions, provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays or villages.

Consistent with Sendai Framework Target E, the Philippines is conducting a review of the Disaster Risk Management Act of 2010 and the National Disaster Risk Reduction Plan to better align them with global development. The country is also developing a National Loss and Damage Registry that will collect, analyze and disseminate information on disaster risk and loss with an appropriate level of breakdown for sex, age and age. disability.

PDP 2017 to 2022 includes DRR as part of development strategies in various sectors including infrastructure, agriculture, industries, services, health and the environment. More than 300 DRR and climate change adaptation projects worth $ 23 billion have been identified.

"Our country is committed to using science, technology and innovations to understand the dangers and risks to societies." In addition, we share our STI-based solutions with the international community. We are building, in cooperation with the international community, a global ITS center on DRR, and we are cascading DRR in various sectors and ensuring the inclusion of DRR in our school curricula. "

Lorenzana completed his message by reiterating the country's support to the neighboring countries of ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific region. To prevent disaster risk and build resilient communities, we are on the right track to ensure the sustainable development of everyone today and for generations to come. "

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