Luke Cage, & # 39; & # 39; Iron Fist & # 39; & # 39 ;, Comics Misty Knight from Marvel


The three series are part of the new Marvel Digital Originals line.

At the Comic-Con in San Diego last weekend, Marvel Entertainment unveiled the following three titles of its Marvel Digital Originals line, a new imprint that focuses on the characters of television properties from l & # 39; company. Two of these titles were obvious candidates, but the third, slightly less.

After the surprise release of Jessica Jones No. 1, Marvel announced a new series for both Luke Cage and Iron Fist – the latter was officially titled Iron Fist: Phantom Limb – but the third series is not a direct fallout from the remaining shows of Netflix as The Defenders Daredevil or The Punisher nor based on any other property of Marvel TV, as Agents of SHIELD Legion The gifted fugitives or . ( Cloak and Dagger already has a digital series.)

Instead, the third series is Daughters of the Dragon the long-time comic book property that equips two Support characters from separate Netflix Shows: Misty Knight and Colleen Wing. The two were paired in 1977 Deadly Hands of Kung Fu No. 32, and continued to appear together over the following decades, including a mini-series of comics in 2005. Both series have also played in the following series Heroes for Hire the following year

The three series will be drawn from 40 pages of material per issue for $ 4.99, with print collections published three digital numbers at a time. According to release dates on ComiXology platform, Luke Cage will be launched in August, with Iron Fist: Phantom Limb next in October and Dragon Girls in November .

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