Make the cut: Honda's Mean Mower fast wants to make 240km / h

[ad_1] / Honda | July 05, 2018 13:04

Honda Mean Mower seeks to take back the title of the fastest lawnmower in the world

It's been five years since we heard about the Honda Mean Mower. At the time, it was built to highlight the many facets of Honda that go beyond automobiles and bikes. But that was not your typical lawn mower, though. Of course, he does his job well, but beyond the limits of his garden, he was fast, and he was around 188 km / h. You read correctly.

A year after its introduction, Team Dynamics, which was Honda's partner for the British Touring Car Championship, broke the record for having built the fastest lawn mower. This record has since been broken, but now, Honda (UK) is back. Pushing development to a new level, the new Mean mower boasts of CAD design, bespoke parts, advanced materials and, most importantly, an engine with twice the power of the engine. Original

 The mower wants to make 240km / h

The lawn tractor Honda HF 2622 is an integral part of the mower. Do not get me wrong, it's a real lawn mower! Carrying on its front hood, grass box, and body panels, the Mean mower still seems like a garden workaholic. Electric motors power the carbon fiber blades for manicure tasks, while a 999cc four-cylinder unit from the CBR1000RR Fireblade SP is placed in the heart of the Mean Mower. The engine produces more than 190 hp and considering the ultra-light frame of the mower, Honda engineers predict what could be a weight / power ratio of 1000 bh / ton.

The engine is paired with a six-speed transmission. with a clutch, a calculator and a color LCD screen, all drawn from the Fireblade. Carbon fiber shift paddles move through the gears, which coincidentally can reach 145 km / h first! T45 steel has been preferred to chromoly for durability and flexibility, especially since this machine has no suspension. The braking power is provided by Kelgate calipers with four and six pistons respectively at the front and rear, while the Goldspeed 10 "ATV wheels wrapped in Hoosier racing tires give the car. adhesion.

 make 240km / h

"The original Mean Mower was a big challenge for us and the result was an incredible machine. This time, we've dramatically improved the game to build incredible engineering, using advanced design and production techniques and using a very intelligent thinking to bring performance and power while maintaining the look of the mower. of production. Hodgetts, General Manager of Honda UK. He added: "We are in the testing phase now and everything looks good, with a top speed of over 150 mph in our views."

Record-breaking behind-the-wheel work in the hands of Jess Hawkins, an experienced kart and car racer, was hired by Honda to drive the Mean Mower into the books once again.

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