Malaysia denounces the call for Sabah to become a Filipino state, Latest World News


KOTA KINABALU Malaysia on Saturday denounced the repeated suggestions of an adviser to Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, namely that Sabah should be designated as the 13th state of the Philippines.

The Foreign Ministry rejected the remarks of Mr. Aquilino Pimentel Jr., a member of the Philippine Advisory Committee appointed by Mr. Duterte to revise the 1987 Philippine Constitution as part of his campaign for a system federal.

According to media reports, Mr. Pimentel said last week in an interview that "there should be a way. He said," I think we can differ a bit more but say we're stopping to do it is not in the context of my proposal, "

According to Mr. Pimentel's proposal, Sabah could be the 13th federal state." Once we affirmed our sovereignty and our rights over Sabah, we should include Sabah, "he said.

" Not only Sabah, but also Scarborough (the South China Sea), Benham Rise and Spratlys. "

The Malaysian Ministry said Saturday that such comments could Harm the excellent bilateral relations between Malaysia and the Philippines.

"This is the second time this year that Pimentel Jr makes baseless remarks related to Sabah," said the ministry.

"These statements can hinder efforts to strengthen bilateral relations that are important not only for both countries, but for the entire region. "

Sabah Chief Minister Mohd Shafie Apdal said that for Mr. Pimentel to use the issue as political material to gain support from communities in the Philippines.


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