Manila court grants US request for terror suspect's extradition


MANILA – A Philippine court has granted a US government request for the extradition of a Filipino doctor suspected by US authorities of being an Islamic State group sympathizer and plotting bombings and shoots at New York City concert comings, subway stations and Times Square

Presiding Judge Rosalyn Mislos-Loja granted the US request in a July 23 ruling which The Associated Press obtained Friday, July 27, and ordered Russell Langi Salic to be extradited to the US to face the charges. [19659002] Salic, who is detained in Manila, has denied the charges, his article on the extradition and appeal

In the 33-page decision, Mislos-Loja

Last year, US prosecutors said Salic was one of the three Islamic State group sympathizers who plotted bombings and sh ootings in 2016 in New York before US agents thwarted the plot.

Salic was taken into custody in Manila last year. Canadian Citizen Abdulrahman El Bahnasawy was arrested in the US in 2016 and has pleaded guilty, and an American of Pakistani origin, Talha Haroon, was arrested in Pakistan in the same year.

Salic is suspected to be about $ 423 from the Philippines in May 2016 to an undercover FBI agent posing as an Islamic extremist to help fund the planned attacks. The documents said Salic, who used the alias Abu Khalid, allegedly told the agent His Majesty's Mission to the Islamic State Group in New York.

Transaction records obtained by the FBI that added $ 423, Salic allegedly made multiple money transfers in 2015 and 2016 in support of the Islamic State group ranging from $ 180 to $ 435 to Australia, Lebanon, Malaysia and Palestine. He also felt money twice in Bosnia in April 2016, according to US Short Papers.

The funds were sent through the Cagayan de Oro City, the records show. Salic had worked as a doctor in a hospital in Cagayan de Oro.

Salic told reporters after a manila court hearing last month. An FBI agent who posed as he said,

The US government feels an extradition request in May last year. The Filipino Government, through the Department of Justice, filed a complaint with the United States in the context of an extradition treaty.

Aside from the US, Salic the abduction of six sawmill workers, two of whom were later beheaded, in the southern Philippine town of Butig in Lanao del Sur province in 2016, an allegation that he has denied.

Salic, who is detained at the National Bureau of Investigation in Manila, could face the US or Filipino authorities, justice department officials said. (AP)

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