May debt payments increase by 103%, the total of 5 months is P385B


A total of 159.996 billion pesos is allocated to payments of part of the national government debt for the month of May, bringing the total debt payments for the first five months of the year to 385.142 billion pesos, according to data from the Treasury Bureau (BTr).

BTr's data showed that the payment of 159.996 billion P represents an increase of 102.96% compared to 78.387 billion P made during the same month in 2017.

For May 2018, Depreciation Government's rose 140.3% from the $ 57.421 billion P in May 2017, with much of the increase in depreciation this year. year attributed to the payment of local securities maturing, to 130.525 billion pesos

Of the total, domestic depreciation for the month amounted to 130.636 billion pesos; Previously, National Treasurer Rosalia V. de Leon said that the maturing state securities of 130 billion pesos for the month of May were financed by BTr through its bond amortization fund ( BSF).

"First of all, remember that we have a BSF, we have already made contributions in anticipation including the largest [maturities] because it would be imprudent for us to let the auction to finance maturity, "De Leon says.

Interest payments for the month showed a slight increase of 0.6 percent from the P20.966 billion achieved in May 2017. Bulk interest payments paid to domestic bonds Fixed rate of 16.587 billion pesos Of the total, the domestic interest payments accounted for 18.634 billion pesos while the foreign interest payments amounted to 4477 billion pesos for the month.

For the period January-May this year, a total of 385 pesos. 142 billion went to the government debt payment of local and offshore lenders – an increase of 9 percent over the 353.326 billion P achieved in the same period last year.

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