MMDA postponed to August 1st the ban on provincial buses on Edsa


In the file photo: Heavy traffic is seen on Sunday, July 1 at Edsa Pasay Rotonda, where a few provincial bus terminals are located.

The Manila Metropolitan Development Authority (MMDA) pushed to August 1 the ban on provincial buses at certain times along Edsa's, claiming that she was still fine-tuning the regulation before it is implemented.

Jojo Garcia, general manager of MMDA's schedule of regulations was also amended: provincial buses heading north and south are prohibited from crossing Edsa from Pasay City until Cubao to Quezon City, from 7am to 10am and from 6pm to 9pm, or during regular weekday rush hours

"The changes were agreed [on] during an emergency meeting with bus operators Provincial and other stakeholders, "Garcia said at a press briefing Wednesday afternoon. , with the banning schedule set from 5 am to 10 am and from 4 pm to 9 pm

As part of its information campaign, a run for the application of the Regulation will also take place on 24 July. day after President Duterte's third speech on the state of the nation (Sona)

Garcia also clarified that only provincial buses that cross Edsa are exempt from the vehicle volume reduction program or the coding system digital

buses traveling on the C-5 road, the streets of Manila and elsewhere are not covered by the digital coding exemption, "Garcia said.

Provincial buses from the south that do not have terminals in Pasay City are requested to use the agency. Garcia said traffic experts are predicting faster rotation of provincial buses once the regulation is implemented during morning and evening rush hours.

"We anticipate that the regulations will speed up travel. private motorists and passenger buses using the yellow route along Edsa during rush hour ", said Garcia.

The MMDA official said that they are also in coordination with the Transportatio Land n Regulatory and Franchising Commission on Passenger Price Reduction

Garcia stated that the regulation will be effective until the three bus terminals deemed crucial to reduce traffic are operational.

Ce are: Valenzuela bus terminal operational in August; Paranaque's integrated terminal is expected to open in September; and the bus terminal in Santa Rosa, Laguna, is expected to open in December.

The settlement was approved by the Metro Manila Council (MMC) to facilitate traffic in the metropolis caused by simultaneous road projects in the second half of 2018.

Image credits: Nonie Reyes

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