Neuroscientists report the use of cannabis in the treatment of anxiety, inflammation


BERLIN – Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety and certain types of inflammation can be alleviated by cannabis-like drugs, according to a study presented on Sunday at FENS Forum of Neuroscience in Berlin.

At the Forum of the European Federation of Neurosciences (FENS), which will last until Wednesday, Italian and Canadian research teams described the results of the effects of cannabis compounds, artificial compounds that act on Natural cannabinoids, PTSD and Patrizia Campolongo at Sapienza University in Rome discovered that synthetic drugs that increase levels of natural cannabinoids in the brain can reduce trauma symptoms while treating cognitive dysfunction. In addition, these effects are long.

"These drugs work in much more targeted brain areas than street cannabis and, for three months after treatment, they stop the relapse of anxiety symptoms." She believes that synthetic drugs influence levels. Natural cannabinoids can act both to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and also to break the cycle of relapse.

Campolongo has ensured that these drugs often recur after the completion of treatment. Artificial cannabis have reduced the risks of side effects, adding that they now need clinical trials to test the effectiveness on humans.

His work is supported by Matthew Hill's studies from the Hotchkiss Brain Institute at the University of Calgary, Canada, have shown that levels of natural cannabis-like molecules in the brain are reduced in an animal model. al of colitis, suggesting that artificial stimulation may be needed in the links between inflammatory diseases and stress-related disorders. and enough to relieve the anxiety associated with this inflammation.

They found, in a model of colitis in the rat, that cannabis levels, anandamide, was reduced in several brain regions, which caused anxiety.

Together, the work of Campolongo and Hill suggest that it would be useful to conduct well-controlled human studies to evaluate the medical benefits of cannabis. in a range of related conditions. (Xinhuanet)

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