New identity cards for the recognition and protection of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh: UN


  news ids, rohingya refugees, bangladesh, UN, myanmar, UN agency for refugees, rihingya muslims, military repression, anti fraud, genocide, budhism, humanity, biometric data Despite heavy monsoon rains these Last days, most refugees check their appointments, aware of the importance of having an identity card. (Reuters)

About 900,000 refugee Rohingyas in Bangladesh will soon receive plastic ID cards of the size of a credit card that will provide them with another level of protection and preserve their right to voluntarily return in Myanmar under favorable conditions.

According to UN estimates, nearly 700,000 minority Rohingyas Muslims have fled to Bangladesh to escape violence in Myanmar's Rakhine State since August 25 of last year when the army launched a military crackdown. and insists that they are Bangladeshi migrants living illegally in the country.

The exercise, which began in late June, is expected to last up to six months. It will help consolidate a unified database for purposes of protection, identity management, documentation, assistance, demographic statistics and finally solutions for 900,000 refugees who fled Myanmar to Bangladesh in waves forced displacements, Charlie Yaxley, spokesman for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) said in Geneva

Since last August, more than 720 000 people have fled one of the largest and most the world's fastest refugee crisis in decades. "The audit will play a key role in establishing the identity of refugees and their declared places of origin in Myanmar," Yaxley said. "It will help preserve their right to return home voluntarily if and when they decide that conditions are right," he said.

The exercise will also help strengthen accurate refugee data – support from the government and humanitarian partners to better understand their specific needs; plan, target and provide protection and assistance; and avoid duplicating services. "Biometric data, including fingerprints and fingerprints as well as photographs, are used to confirm the individual identities of all refugees over the age of 12," said Yaxley

. the Government of Bangladesh and UNHCR contain a number of anti-fraud features. Since the beginning of the exercise, on June 21, some 4,200 refugees have been verified. Despite heavy monsoon rains in recent days, most of the refugees attended their verification appointments, aware of the importance of having an identity card.

In addition to providing laptops, servers, wireless routers, biometric equipment and printing equipment. available special biometric registration software. After visiting Bangladesh this week, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said more resources needed to be found to develop education, health care and infrastructure to build a more sustainable life for Rohingya refugees and their guests ". ] Ten months after the start of the Rohingya refugee crisis, the response continues to focus on responding to massive humanitarian needs and mitigating the impact of monsoon rains in areas of the country. refugee settlement. To date, the joint UN response plan for the Rohingya refugee situation in Bangladesh is only funded at 26%. "Additional international support is needed to step up humanitarian and daily aid for medium-term aid and development," Yaxley said.

The UN described the atrocities perpetrated by the Myanmar Army against Rohingya refugees. a typical example of ethnic cleansing while rights groups have called it genocide. However, Buddhist-dominated Myanmar rejects the accusation, claiming that its security forces launched a counter-insurgency operation on August 25 in response to Rohingya's attacks.

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