New Wasp Race With Stinger Exceptionally Great Discovery In The Amazon


Scientists have discovered a new breed of wasps in the Amazon rainforest that has exceptionally long stinger. The sting is used not only to inject venom into the enemy but also to lay eggs. ( Turku University )

Researchers at the University of Turku in Finland discovered a new species of wasp with a larger sting than other animals of this genus.

Scientists from the University's Biodiversity Unit have discovered a number of new species with alien behavior and features in the Amazon rainforest in recent years. This time, in collaboration with researchers from Colombia, Spain and Venezuela, they discovered types of wasps that are previously unknown to science.

Their study was published in the journal Zootaxa . The largest wasp species known as Clistopyga crassicaudata, also known as the parasitoid wasp, was found in the area between the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. Professor Ilari Sääksjärvi, a researcher at the University of Turku, said that what differentiates C. crassicaudata from other family species is its huge sting.

"The sting of the new parasitoid wasp Clistopyga crassicaudata is not only I've been studying tropical parasitoid wasps for a long time, but I've never seen anything like it … The stinger looks like a fierce weapon, "says Sääksjärvi. The sting, called the ovipositor, is used not only to inject venom into defense against the enemy, but also as a way of laying eggs. Sääksjärvi explained that the parasitoid wasp used its long ovipositor to reach a host animal living inside a tree before injecting it with paralytic venom

. This behavior is typical of the rare species of wasps belonging to the genus Clistopyga. These animals look for spider nests and then inject them with their venom. They then lay their eggs on the spider and allow the larva to hatch to eat the rest of the spider's egg sacs

The King of the Wasps Discovered

2012, scientists discover a new breed of giant poisonous wasps on the island. of Sulawesi in Indonesia. The specimen belongs to the family of larval wasps, which dig their nests outdoors and then grow up to 2.5 centimeters

The king of the wasps, Megalara garuda, is shrouded in mystery mainly because of its size huge. The study, which was published in the journal ZooKeys noted that the female M. garuda resembles other species of wasps but the males are different.

Males have sickle-shaped jaws and have been flattened.

"Other wasps of the same species often steal burrows for food, and pests attempt to penetrate them too," said Lynn Kimsey, co-author and entomologist at the University of California. California, Davis. "There is a serious benefit to keeping the nest, it is perhaps the way the male helps to guarantee his paternity."

Like C. crassicaudata, M. garuda is also threatened because much of the island is converted to crop plantations. The Amazon rainforest has become a vulnerable ecosystem, which requires conservation efforts to save its species.

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