Next Youth Evangelism Conference »Manila Bulletin News


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By Christina Hermoso

Following the success of the recent Philippine Conference on New Evangelism (PCNE), the Catholic Church announced that the sixth conference next year will focus on young people.



"The next edition of PCNE will focus on Filipino youth online with the local's observance of the year of Youth by the Church next year We need the active participation of the youth sector in the planning of the next NCP to help them effectively strengthen their faith, "said Reverend Jason. Laguerta, executive director of the Office of the Promotion of the New Evangelization, on Radio Veritas of the Church

In the lineage of the year of the clergy and religious this year, the fifth PCNE s & rsquo; is focused on the clergy. "

" We are very excited about the next edition of PCNE, where young people will be at the center of the stage, and they will be involved in planning to institute reforms if necessary for a more successful event ", added Laguerta.

The Catholic Church will celebrate the Year of Youth next year in keeping with the nine years of preparation for the commemoration. of the 500th year of Christianity in the country in 2021. The Year of Youth aims to sensitize the younger generations to ways to deepen and strengthen their faith.

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