Oasis coming back? Liam Gallagher calls for peace with his brother


FILE PHOTO: Members of British rock guitarist Oasis Gem Archer, guitarist Noel Gallagher, bassist Andy Bell and singer Liam Gallagher pose at a press conference in Hong Kong on February 25, 2006. REUTERS / Paul Yeung / File Photo

Singer Liam Gallagher wants to come to terms with his brother and former Oasis teammate, Noel, nearly 10 years after the split of the famous British rock band.

The brothers are involved in a public dispute since Noel left the group. 2009.

Formed in the English city of Manchester in 1991, Oasis dominated the British pop charts over the next decade with catchy Beatles-influenced songs combined with a hard-hitting, boastful image.

… I forgive you now for assembling the BIG O (Oasis) … "Liam said in a tweet Thursday night

After no sign of Christmas response, Liam tweeted Friday:" I "take that as a NO then as you were. "Noe I played the Oasis song Do not look back into anger alone in September at the tribute concert at the" I'm the only one ". Manchester bombing. In an interview with the BBC in November, Noel vowed never to play with his brother again

[2] The two brothers pursued a solo musical career since the separation of the Oasis

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