OG Chewbacca Peter Wars Peter Mayhew undergoes spinal surgery


The incredible size of Peter Mayhew makes him the perfect choice to live in the massive Chewbacca costume for the original trilogy Star Wars . Unfortunately, this size also takes its toll on a body. Peter Mayhew recently revealed on Twitter that he has undergone spinal surgery. The good news is that it seems to have succeeded and it is recovering now. He sent a message to his fans to apologize for being unresponsive recently and thanking those who performed the procedure.

Peter Mayhew debuted in Star Wars: A New Hope as Chewbacca and the role has been good for him ever since. In addition to inhibiting the costume of the original trilogy Star Wars he also wore the costume for everything from theme park attractions to The Muppet Show and Glee as well as lending Chewbacca's voice to several animated projects and video games Star Wars . His last official performance as Chewbacca was in Star Wars: The Force Awakens . Officially he was listed as "Chewbacca Consultant" for Star Wars: The Last Jedi where the role was taken over by Joonas Suotamo, who doubled for Mayhew when needed The Force Awakens .

Peter Mayhew says that surgery will help with his mobility which is great news. It is assumed that if he had mobility problems, this might have been part of the reason he gave up the role of Chewbacca. Mayhew is over seven feet tall because of a connective tissue disorder called Marfan syndrome. In general, humans are not supposed to be seven feet tall and, as such, Mayhew's spine apparently needs help to continue supporting his body. Mayhew, 74, should still have many years with us, so it's good to know that he will feel better.

Several remarkable friends responded to Peter Mayhew's article and wished him a speedy recovery, Rian Johnson of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

While Peter Mayhew may be much better Shape, we probably still saw the last of his Chewbacca on the big screen, although we could certainly hear him portraying the character in the proper places. Mayhew played Chewbacca in an episode of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and recent news that the show will return could mean an additional opportunity for Mayhew to play the role that made him world famous .

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