Orchestras will give two concerts in San Bernardino on July 14 | Entertainment


The San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra has partnered with the Montecito International Music Festival Orchestra to present two concerts at the Sturges Art Center on Saturday, July 14th.

A morning will be given at 15h. and an evening show will begin at 7:30 pm

Concerts will include Tchaikovsky's beloved "Serenade" and Vivaldi's "Quatre Saisons" with guest artists Linda Wang and Ken Aiso and two student soloists. Yuanmiao Li and Kenta Nomura. The Cello Ensemble Festival will also perform a variety of plays.

"It's the kind of partnership that really enriches our community," said Dean McVay, president of the Symphony Board. "In the role of local Symphony orchestra conductor, it is incumbent upon us to seek out the best orchestral talents and make them easily accessible to all."

The Montecito International Music Festival Orchestra and its ensembles consist of participants of the annual Montecito International Music Festival which, this year, is held at La Sierra University in Riverside. Its proximity has inspired this partnership, the 10th season of the Festival

Maestro Dean Anderson, who will direct the concerts, is particularly excited to have the Montecito International Music Festival Orchestra come into a local place.

Be my fourth season leading the Festival Orchestra and I could not be happier, "said Anderson. "These students come from around the world, including from Asia, Eastern Europe, North and South America, and their level of talent is simply phenomenal."

Military and student tickets are $ 15. $ 55 and $ 65 depending on the location of the concert hall. All tickets for these events are 100% deductible.

Tickets are available by calling the office of the San Bernardino Symphony Orchestra at (909) 381-5388 or on the website www.sanbernardinosymphony.org.

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