Over-supply of medicines? | Tempo – The fastest growing newspaper in the country


robert roque

Have you ever wondered why there seems to be an endless supply of methamphetamine hydrochloride or shabu in Metro Manila?

And why do we see in the news significant quantities of illegal drugs, worth several million pesos, that have been seized by several suspected pushers and carriers?

Is it possible that some of the staff of government anti-drug agencies, supposed to fight against its proliferation, have turned their backs on the law and conspired to spread it?

I always trust our laws and our government. There may be some bad eggs, but we can always trust the vast majority of government officials who follow and strictly enforce our laws and do not bend them to their needs.

According to the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), drugs seized during recent raids in Metro Manila met those found in magnetic lifts intercepted at the International Container Terminal in Manila (MICT) and were related to Magnetic vacuum lifting found at Cavite last August. 10. The PDEA reached this conclusion after conducting "impurity drug profiling" on samples seized during the raid.

The director general of the PDEA, Aaron Aquino, said that there was reason to believe that drugs supposed to be kept inside four magnetic lifting devices discovered in Cavite that have escaped the authorities have already invaded the streets.

Although empty when it was discovered, Aquino thinks that the four magnetic levers contained an amount of $ 11 billion shabu after detection dogs detected them. He believes that the two magnetic lifting devices seized at MICT were supposed to be delivered to the same warehouse in Cavite and that the drug distribution network had "sacrificed" them as an "offer" to make the authorities believe that they had seized the entire load.

Cocaine of the poor invading the streets of Metro Manila, he adds, his price per gram fell from 6,800 pesos last July to 1,400 pesos for the moment.

Former officers of the Bureau of Customs (BOC), the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) were involved in simultaneous investigations by the House of Representatives and the Senate. It is thought that they facilitated the release of cargo lifts since they were all still on active service upon his arrival in Manila.

Although the people involved should be charged and jailed, I also call on all government officials not to get into illegal drugs. Countless lives and families have already been destroyed because of drugs. To have a heart.

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SHORT WIND. For comments or feedback, write to [email protected] or tweet @ Side_View. Read current and past issues of this topic at http://www.tempo.com.ph/category/opinion/firing-line/


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