PDP-Laban intact and strong – Benitez »Manila Newsletter News



By Ben Rosario

The gains made by the former speaker Davao del Norte Rep. Pantaleon Alvarez for the PDP-Laban will be retained as his successor, the former president and now president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is committed to remaining a party member and helping the president's political party to lobby for the Legislative agenda of the administration.

  Joint Senate and House of Representatives meeting on the extension of martial law in Mindanao begins in plenary of Batasang Pambansa on December 13, 2017. (ALVIN KASIBAN / MANILA BULLETIN)


The representative of Negros Occidental Albee Benitez, leader of the powerful Visayan Bloc in the House of Representatives, says PDP-Laban should be expected to organize alliances with Hugpong ng Pagbabago and other regional political parties that share the same political principles with the administration party.

"I believe the next move for us is to pursue alliances with regional and local political parties, particularly Hugpong, who support the Duterte administration," Benitez said.

Hugpong is a regional political party organized by Sara Duterte-Carpio, daughter of the president of the city, who played an instrumental role. in the change of direction in the Lower House

Benitez assailed as "pure imagination" the claim of a senior official of the administration of a PDP-Laban exodus.

On the other hand, Quezon City Rep. Winston Castelo, a senior party official called on national leaders to nominate or push for Arroyo's election to a key position "commensurate with his stature as leader in the House".

But Castelo, chairman of the House of Development Committee of Manila Alvarez must continue to serve as general secretary.

"We must maintain the harmony and unity of the party.The Arroyo speaker and former president Alvarez will make a great tandem north-south that could make the PDP-Laban even more formidable, "said Castelo

No jumping ship

Secretary of Energy Al Cusi, vice president of the party, said Arroyo to a national position in the party will still have to be deliberate, apparently by the National Executive Board, and "ask him and the party leadership before arriving" at this decision.

Benitez, chairman of the House Committee on Housing and Urban Development, was asked by PDP- Laban members of Congress to help ensure that the political party will not be affected by the change of leadership at the Low room.

"The party contingent in the lower house is intact and remains strong Everyone wants Duterte's presidency to be successful and there is no better guarantee than to remain together as the president. 39, said President Arroyo, "said Benitez,

. It also allowed Alvarez to contribute to the broadening of the PDP-Laban membership base and transform it into one of the country's strongest parties. the political history of the country.

"We all agree to preserve the gains that the former president has contributed to the party," he said.

Benitez, who was invited by President Arroyo to accelerate the transition into change. House leaders, denied the news that he will lead other members of Congress PDP-Laban to abandon the party, saying that all members are fully aware that such a move could lead to politics

"It will be politically imprudent to abandon the PDP-Laban party because it has established a formidable network of leaders from the local to the national level," said Benitez.

Earlier, House Vice President Rolando Andaya claimed that disenchantment in the party leadership should lead a number of PDP-Laban members to the lower house to skip the ship and raised the possibility that Lakas-CMD will be the new vehicle of resigning party members.

-CMD, a political party formerly led by Arroyowill, is probably allied with Mayor Paul Inday's Hugpong

Tags: Albee Benitez, Alliances, PDP-Laban, Visayan Block, Winston Castelo

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