Peso rises slightly in dollar slide after mixed data on US jobs



PESO strengthened the dollar a bit on Monday after the release of unemployment data in the United States last Friday.

The local unit finished Monday's session at P53.40 against the greenback, two centavos stronger than the finished P53.42-for-dollar Friday.

The peso is strengthened immediately since it opened the session at P53.35 against the dollar. He hit a high of 53.32, while his intraday low was set at 53.405 against the greenback.

Dollars exchanged amounted to $ 620.2 million out of $ 506.5 million exchanged at the previous session. said Monday that the peso has "traded in the same range over the past few days."

"There is not much difference from previous days, the range was still the same," said the trader in a telephone interview. "Although the dollar was generally weak throughout the weekend, the peso-dollar has not moved much."

The trader added that market players were included in the non-farm pay data released last Friday.

The US economy added 213,000 jobs in June, according to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last week. This figure was higher than market expectations of 195,000 in a Reuters survey

However, the unemployment rate rose to 4% in the same month as more people were looking for new jobs. That's because of the participation rate that, actually, if you look at it, was higher because more people have returned to the job market, "says the trader

. The United States began imposing tariffs of 25% on $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods on Friday, triggering a trade war. In response, China responded by imposing levies on US products, including cars, soybeans and lobsters.

On Tuesday, traders expect the peso to rise from $ 53.30 to $ 535.50. [19659003″Lepesopourraits'affaibliraumilieudesprévisionsderelâchementdeschiffresdesexportationslocalesdejuin[on Tuesday] ", noted the second trader.

Most Asian currencies also strengthened Monday as the dollar lost nearly 3-1 / 2 weeks After being closely watched, US wage disappointed the market

The riskier assets globally, including regional currencies, have lagged behind the escalating Sino-US trade conflict.The dollar index against a basket of Six major currencies were 0.1% lower at 93.915.

The Taiwanese dollar gained 0.4% against its US counterpart, ahead of time on export data that should show solid, albeit slightly stronger growth. Moderate th.

The Indian rupee, the worst-performing Asian currency this year, rose 0.3% Inflation fears related to higher oil prices and the fiscal cost of a recent price hike penny At the very least, a government program that buys crops from farmers should cap the gains.

The Indonesian rupiah is firmed by 0.2% at 14.338. Perry Warjiyo, the governor of the country's central bank, said trade tensions between the United States and China were a source of concern for growth. Indonesia has raised its benchmark rate by 100 basis points so far this year to defend a fragile rupee. The government also recently announced a plan to review imports of capital goods to control the current account deficit.

The Chinese yuan, hard hit by the intensification of Sino-US trade, was 0.4% firmer at 6.623 per dollar. investors have anticipated a week rich in data. – Karl Angelo N. Vidal with Reuters

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