PHI Group (OTCQB: PHIL) + 31% after agreeing to form a joint venture with Regent Blockchain Group to develop and operate an offshore financial center and blockchain activities – including, but without Limit it, applications, initial coins, and cryptocurrency exchanges.
With the stock only at around 2 cents per share, any move in price is a big move.
Some 1,02M PHIL shares have changed hands in the morning trading compared to the JV will be located in the economic zone of Cagayan in the Philippines
PHI Group will bring $ 4 million in cash and / or preferred shares for a 51% stake and rights of the company. Regent Blockchain will sub-license the Philippine government's financial technology solutions and offshore virtual currency license.
Source: Press Release
Previously: PHI Group becomes a partner of Fintech Green Investment (July 11, 1965) [SeekingAlpha] 19659009] window.SA = {"App": {"name": "SA" , "fullName": "Alpha search", "type": "regular", "host": "https://seekingalpha.com", "emailHost": "https://email.seekingalpha.com", "pro ": false," proPlus ": false," contributorCenter ": false," realHostName ":" https://seekingalpha.com "," isCms ": false," cancelPV ": false," isSharkPreview ": false," usersOnSite ":" 6,922,448 "," assetHosts ": [“https://static.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static1.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static2.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static3.seekingalpha.com”]," moneData ": {}," assetHost ":" https: // static .seekingalpha.com "," env ": {" dev ": false," staging ": false," production ": true," test ": false}," gaAccountId ":" UA-1466493-1 "," comscoreAccountId ": 8500672," fbAppId ":" 624608951014846 "," twitterAccountName ":" SeekingAlpha " , "rollbarToken": "5edf110be2fc4cecb32637fc421111e2", "perimeterXAppId": "PXxgCxM9By", "embedlyKey": "a6da93fdfc49472099ce63260954716b", "mp": fa lse, "chat": {"host": "https://rc.seekingalpha.com", "is_active": true}}, "pageConfig": {"Refresher": {"active": false}, "Data ": {" mc ": {" id ": 3372386," title ":" PHI Group points to 31% after the agreement to form JV for offshore blockchain "," primaryTicker ":" phil "," twitContent ": "PHI Group peaks by 31% after agreeing to form JV for the offshore blockchain https://seekingalpha.com/news/3372386-phi-group-spikes-31-percent-deal-form-jv- offshore- blockchain? source = tweet $ PHIL "," isSp500 ": false," tags ": [“financials”,”on-the-move”,”m-a”,”crypto”,”micro-cap”]}," pageType ":" single_news "," primaryTicker ":" phil "}," Ads ": {" slots ": [{“container”:”news-left-slot-1″,”data”:{“name”:”/6001/sek.market-news/on-the-move/single-post”,”targeting”:{“tile”:160},”size”:[[160,600] ]] "str": "160×600"}, "cls": "mb25"}, {"container": "new-straight-slot-1", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek. market-news / on-the-move / single-post "," targeting ": {" tile ": 1}," size ": [[300,250][300,600]," fluid "]," str ":" 300×250 , 300×600, fluid "}," cls ":" mb25 "," flex ": true}, {" container ":" news-right-slot-2 "," data ": {" name ":" / 6001 / sek.market-news / on-the-move / single-post "," targeting ": {" tile ": 100}," size ": [[300,100]]," str ":" 300×100 "}," cls " : "mb25"}, {"container": "news-right-slot-3", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.market-news / on-line / single-post", "targeting ": {" tile ": 2}," size ": [[300,252]," fluid "]," str ":" 300×252, fluid "}," cls ":" mb25 "," native ": true}, { "container": "news-middle-slot", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.market-news / moving / single-post", "targeting": {}, "size": [[640,40]] "str": "640×40"}, "cls": "mb25"}, {"container": "news-bottom-slot", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.market -news / running / single-post "," targeting ": {" tile ": 728}," size ": [[728,90]]," str ":" 728×90 "}," delay ": true," delta " : 500}, {"container": "instream_recommendation_ad", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.market-news / in motion / single-post", "targeting": {"tile": 50 }, "size": [[3,3]"fluid"]"str": "3×3, fluid"}, "delay": true, "delta": 500}] "testScroll": true, "disabled": false , "kvs": {"d": "market news", "t": [“on-the-move”,”financials-news”,”on-the-move-news”,”m-a-news”,”cryptocurrency”] "mcid": [true,3372386] "tickerbundle": "small-cap", "cnt": [“etrfin”,”111″,”fin-tech”,”tech”,”tech2″]"s ":" PHIL "}}," Paths ": {" int ": {" adsAPI ": {" src ":" https: // static3.seekingalpha.com/assets/api/ads-daadde0a6506fa0ac162 6fe94435aaa03072acd0018f08c6fb1066f73d016b17.js ", "id": "sa-ads-api"}}, "ext": [{“src”:”https://js-sec.indexww.com/ht/p/183642-162053219843577.js”,”id”:”ie”},{“src”:”https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js”,”id”:”gpt”},{“src”:”https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js”,”id”:”sb”},{“src”:”https://ssl.google-analytics.com/ga.js”,”id”:”ga”},{“src”:”https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js”,”id”:”facebook-jssdk”}]}, "lastRequested": "2018-07-23 10:18:54 -0400", "SlugsPrices": {"disabled" : false}, "proOpenH ouse ": {" active ": false," end_date ":" 2017-03-20T06: 00: 00.000-04: 00 "}," proFlashSale ": {" active ": false," end_date ":" 2017-03 -23T00: 00: 00.000-04: 00 "}," saSource ": null," name ": null," useSQuoteBackup ":" false "}," headerConfig ": {" noNotificationsMenu ": null," notFixed ": null , "tabless": null, "activeTab": "market news"}, "modules": {}, "requires": []"trackq": []"exceptions": []};
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