Philippine anti-transplant chief and critic Duterte withdraw, News from Southeast Asia and Top Stories


MANILA (AFP) – The leading anti-corruption prosecutor in the Philippines, one of the last critics of ruling President Rodrigo Duterte, retired on Thursday, July 26, calling for "strong institutions" to the detriment of influential leaders . [19659002L'ombudsmanConchitaCarpio-Morales77ansterminesonmandatdeseptansaucoursduquelelleaméritélacolèredeMDutertepouravoircritiquésabrutaleguerrecontreladrogueetpouravoirenquêtésursesprétenduscomptesbancaires

million. Duterte, who accuses Ms. Morales He threatened last year to end the justice of the Supreme Court in retirement while launching tirades against her.

But Ms. Morales rejected Mr. Duterte's allegations as "false news". that her threats never intimidated her to do her job.

"I know I'm right in my own work, so why should I be scared?" Mrs. Morales told AFP days before her retirement

"As long as we have strong institutions, we do not need strong people to lead the government," she added. stressing the importance of independent bodies such as his office. Duterte, 73, launched an unprecedented crackdown on drugs that has left thousands dead, prompting criticism from human rights groups who accuse the government of orchestrating a crime against humanity

. Lima – jailed for drug charges that she has fabricated – and former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Maria Lourdes Sereno, ousted in May

Opposition leaders said that these steps – as well as attempts to discredit the country's main rights agency. of Mr. Duterte's scorched earth tactics to silence critics and weaken democratic institutions

Ms. Morales, who was appointed by Mr. Duterte's predecessor, Mr. Benigno Aquino, in 2011 to head the anti-corruption movement Last year, Ms. Morales challenged Mr. Duterte's order to suspend his deputy for allegedly mowing his bank statements, claiming that the president's directive violated the Constitution.

19659002] His agency was investigating allegations that Mr. Duterte failed to disclose 211 million pesos ($ 5.37 million) in secret bank accounts while he was running for president.

The mediator said in February that he had terminated the investigation. "The Ombudsman Morales is an important voice, a strong woman and a person of integrity," AFP Assistant Professor Gladstone Cuarteros, a professor of political science at De La Salle University in Manila, told AFP. .

"With her retirement, another critical voice is softened but not silenced."

Ms. Morales was honored with the Ramon Magsaysay Award – often described as the Nobel Prize in Asia – in 2016 for her diligence in prosecuting corrupt senior officials.

The main candidate to replace him is a Supreme Court judge appointed by Mr. Duterte who voted to maintain his major policies. (function (d, s, id) {
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