Philippine health authorities today reported an epidemic of leptospirosis in Metro Manila, the number of cases having increased dramatically in recent weeks

From January 1 to July 3, 2018, a total of 368 cases of leptospirosis, with 52 deaths (CFR = 14%), were reported in Metro Manila.
A sudden increase in the number of cases was observed from June 10 to 3 (N = 105). This is 38% higher than the average number of cases reported in the previous five years (N = 76). The reported cases grouped and exceeded the epidemic threshold in the following cities from June 10th to July 3rd of this year: Quezon City (40 cases in 9 cases), Taguig (16 cases in 4 cases), Paranaque (6 cases in 2 cases) ) and Pasig (4 in 1 barangay).
The Ministry of Health has alerted hospitals in the region to be willing to admit and manage cases and refer them appropriately to specialized hospitals, if necessary. Case detection and reporting has been improved in health centers and hospitals. Additional medical staff has been deployed to the National Institute of Kidney and Transplantation, along with drugs and medications needed for case processing.
Capillaria philippinensis: First description in the 1960s in the northern Philippines
Leptospirosis can be acquired by exposure to floodwater, mud or muck. food contaminated with the urine of infected animals such as rats, pigs, dogs, cattle and goats. Cases usually have flu-like symptoms, followed by leg pain. Severe cases may show yellowish discolouration of eyes and skin as well as urine-colored tea. Untreated cases can lead to kidney failure or death.
The DOH advises the public to avoid wading and walking in flooded and muddy areas and to ensure that food is cooked and stored properly. "Patients with symptoms similar to leptospirosis should be taken immediately to the nearest health facility for proper diagnosis and treatment," said Duque Sec.
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