PHL asks Iraqi and Libyan aid to kidnapped Filipinos



THE DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (FDFA) sought the assistance of the Iraqi and Libyan authorities following the separate kidnappings of five Filipinos in both countries.

"The Department, through our embassies Baghdad and Tripoli were informed that five of our kababayan were taken Friday by gunmen in Iraq and Libya," said the secretary of state for foreign affairs, Alan Peter S. Cayetano, in a statement issued Sunday

. The Iraqi and Libyan authorities have asked for their help in finding and securing the release of our missing Kababayan. "

According to the DFA, the Philippine Embassy in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, reported that two Filipino women had been abducted.Unidentified gunmen along a road in Uzem district in Iraq last Friday.

The charge of business. The embassy, ​​Julius D. Torres, said the women were on their way to Baghdad from Kurdistan, the vehicle was stopped by gunmen, and he also reported reports that the two Filipinos had managed to escape.

Meanwhile, the Philippine embassy in Tripoli reported that three foreign technicians were among the four foreign workers taken by gunmen in a waterworks construction site. a few kilometers from Tripoli last friday. Four Libyan nationals were also abducted. In a Reuters report Saturday, the other foreign worker was identified as a Korean national.

Mardomel Embassy Affairs Officer D. Melicor said that the armed group later released one of the foreign workers and all Libyans. According to Reuters reports, the number of attacks and kidnappings by Islamic State militants in areas of Iraq where Filipinos have been kidnapped has increased in recent weeks . Risks faced by foreign workers were also high in Libya because of the presence of various armed groups, including Islamist militants linked to al Qaeda and the Islamic State, particularly in remote desert areas. – Camille A. Aguinaldo

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