Pierce lives in Kauai and does "Mamma Mia 2" »Manila Entertainment Newsletter


"I like a certain sense of loneliness. But I would like to know that the door is still open nearby. I do not want to be alone. It makes me really crazy.

Los Angeles – Now 65, Pierce Brosnan has kept his beauty, his chamber voice and his beautiful tan.
Always very charismatic, Pierce, who again represents Sam Carmichael in the sequel, "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again," is happy to be back with her friends Stellan Skarsgard (as Bill Anderson) and Colin. Firth (as Harry Bright)

  Pierce Brosnan (Photo: Janet R. Nepales / HFPA)

Pierce Brosnan (courtesy Janet R. Nepales / HFPA)

He said of the experience the second time, "Oh, that was out of the box this time. When I was offered the role, I immediately said yes. I said, is Meryl (Streep) in? And they said yes. I said, well, I'm in it. Colin is in and Stellan is in it. I think we all wanted to come back. We have been asked several times over the past decade: "Is there another one, will there be another" Mamma Mia "? And we We were all aware of the work of these excellent composers to make another film. 19659006] "I read the script and the script really moved me, I thought there was a real texture and a sense of character and emotion. 39, really touched. "

In the sequel, the flashback story features young actors and actresses representing the oldest actors – Jeremy Irvine as the young Sam, Hugh Skinner as the young Harry, Josh Dylan as the young Bill, Lily James as the young Donna, Jessica Keenan Wynn as the young Tanya, and Alexa Davis as the young Rosie.
So, how did it work with the "kids"?

"The kids are amazing," said Pierce. "The kids are so fiercely talented and passionate.Lily just lights up the screen.I found out that she was in a movie with Christopher Plummer and I do not remember the name of the movie, but I I saw one night with my wife, we were in Hawaii and we are looking for something to watch and we came across this movie.This young lady, and she was just really dazzling.

"Then I j realized 'Cinderella & # 39; and all that work that she had done and when I learned that she was going to play the role of Meryl, Donna, I thought, it's a brilliant casting. It was so endearing to see Jeremy Irvine and the other young guys and to feel their excitement. Because as you get older, it's not that you lose enthusiasm, it's just that you've been there and that you've seen so much. You have made it so many times that they are fortifying you with just a passion and energy for performance. "

So what else fortifies him and makes him feel free?

" Waking up at Kauai at 4 am go out, watch the sun rise, "he revealed. I am standing in front of my easel and I make a painting that I understand … I followed the course of the brush, the heart, the painting. It's good and the hours go by.

"Working with great actors, very good scripts, and feeling that you are doing something meaningful.There are many meaningful ways to turn in life."

Is living on an island as Kauai makes it a better man, we asked. "You must love yourself," he revealed. "You must know how to support yourself." I like loneliness .I am kind of a rather lonely person, I guess .I like the company of people do not understand me, but I love Some sense of loneliness But I would like to know that the door is still open nearby I do not want to be alone It would make me really crazy

"But yes, I did not expect I never expected that, I mean, I dreamed about it, but I did not expect it, and Kauai is only that. " 39, an island haven.We have been there for 17 years now.I like people and the countryside. "

As for the effect of ABBA music on him , Pierce confessed: "I love Meryl Streep 's rendition of" Winner Takes It All "in the first film, watching her perform this song, which is a song of her own. Gorgeous love.And Dancing Queen is so epic and g Once it's in your brain, you can not take it out. But the general poetry and lyricism of their work and the fact that they had their own story of love, these two men and two beautiful women, that is what made them so captivating and captivating. They had their loves and they had their losses in life from each other and that they wrote about it. I think that's what gives it the human touch. "

Tags: Mamma Mia, Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, Manila Bulletin, Manila Entertainment Bulletin, mb.com.ph, Pierce Brosnan, Pierce on life in Kauai and doing" Mamma Mia 2 " # 39;

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