Plastics in seafood: rethinking plastics for single use


KUALA LUMPUR – As the largest consumer of seafood from Southeast Asia , Malaysians love seafood.

But what would they say if they discovered that by 2050 all seafood would be contaminated by plastics – some of which can not even be removed before consumption?

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned There are more than 170 million tons of plastic in the ocean and some is already consumed by the fish we eat.

animals that die while consuming or being entangled in plastic waste. Even if they do not die, they can still lodge in their system.

Although large pieces of plastic can be removed from large fish as they are prepared for consumption, the biggest concern is microplastics consumed by small fish. and shells, which can be embedded in their flesh without being detected.


Microplastics are particles smaller than 5 mm that have broken down into larger pieces of plastic. Non-biodegradable plastics can take up to 1000 years to decompose.

These plastics slowly disintegrate over time, but will not disappear completely. Instead, the tiny pieces will linger around the ocean for centuries, threatening marine life and ocean ecosystems.

Microplastics include broken plastic waste, synthetic fibers and microbeads found in products such as facial washing. Marine life can confuse them with food while humans can eat them through seafood, tap water and other foods like sugar.

The risks to man remain to be established. So there are concerns that when microplastics accumulate in the body, they can have adverse health effects. It is also feared that the smallest particle is small enough to even enter the bloodstream.

Although many do not care what happens in their food, one must be careful about this because such a threat threatens our diet. will not only affect individual health, but will also become a burden for the public health system


Plastic was considered a miracle material when it was invented in 1907, but today, 40 single-use plastics are called disposable plastics, these disposable plastics are only used once – and sometimes just a few minutes – before being discarded or recycled . Think of plastic straws, bottles of mineral water and packaging of foods or products.

Mass production of plastic began in the 1950s. According to a study published in the science journal Science Advances, some 8.3 billion tons of products have been produced since, of which 6.3 billion became waste . Unfortunately, only nine percent of plastic waste has been recycled.

Other wastes still pollute the environment, landfills and oceans.

Research conducted in 2015 by Jenna Jambeck, a professor of environmental engineering at the University of Georgia, revealed that most of the plastic found in the oceans does not come into the world. ships were thrown away but was spilled carelessly on land and rivers, mainly in Asia. This plastic waste is then blown or dumped into the sea.

The same team of scientists also revealed that Malaysia was the world's eighth largest offender for plastic waste.

The statistics disclosed in the journal Science in 2015 estimated that Malaysia produced nearly one million tonnes of waste plastic waste (waste not recycled or disposed of properly) in 2010.

It also designated China as the country most responsible for plastic waste in the ocean, followed by Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri Lanka. Lanka, Thailand, Egypt, Malaysia, Nigeria and Bangladesh.

Jambeck is internationally recognized for his research on plastic waste in the ocean and the study conducted by his team of scientists is the first comprehensive analysis of production, use and fate Burning is also not a solution to the growing volume of plastic waste. The incineration of plastics can release gases and dangerous substances such as heavy metals, toxins and chemical compounds whose biodegradation is very long, which is therefore prolonged in the environment and presents risks for the health. On top of that, they can also cause climate pollution and ultimately affect marine life.


There are a number of ways to reduce the use of plastic and trash. change in the way we do things.

To get started, get a reusable bottle made of glass or stainless steel. Both materials have been proven safer than plastic and are recyclable in the infinite. The Euromonitor International market research revealed that a million plastic bottles are bought every minute, so the use of a reusable bottle can have a huge impact on reducing plastic waste .

As packaging is a major source of disposable plastic, bring your own containers and bags when you purchase. You can also bring your own utensils and plates to restaurants that serve disposable dishes. This may seem awkward at first, but it's a great conversation started and useful for raising public awareness.

Bringing home-cooked meals into reusable containers at school, at work and while traveling is also a great way to dramatically reduce the use of plastic.

Corporate companies are also jumping on the bandwagon with the Starbucks coffee chain eliminating the use of plastic straw by 2020.

Countries like Kenya, England, the United States 39; Australia, New York and Indonesia have banned or taxed

Kenya goes even further by imposing a fine of 38,000 USD (about 155,000 RM) or a four-year prison sentence for people taken in violation of the ban.

gigantic task that will require the collective effort of individuals, organizations and governments, but it is a task that we can no longer delay.

– Edited by Sakina Mohamed


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