Pompeo calls on North Korea to replicate the "miracle" of Vietnam


Pompeo asks North Korea to replicate the "miracle" of Vietnam

HANOI, Vietnam – US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo denied on Sunday his efforts to conclude a denuclearization agreement with Korea North. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has been called on to replicate Vietnam's "miracle" of economic growth by improving ties with the United States, promising that America is keeping its promises to the former United States. Addressing members of the Vietnamese-American business community in Hanoi, Pompeo said the Vietnam experience since normalizing relations with the United States in 1995 should prove to North Korea that the Prosperity and partnership with the United States are possible after decades of conflict and mistrust. "We know it's a real possibility because we see how Vietnam has come this remarkable way," Pompeo said.

"Given the unimaginable prosperity and partnership we have with Vietnam today, I have a message for President Kim.Jong Un: President Trump believes your country can duplicate this. way, "he said, repeating President Donald Trump's promise to help improve the North Korean economy and provide him with security guarantees in exchange for abandoning weapons nuclear. "This miracle can be yours, it can also be your miracle in North Korea," said Pompeo.

Comments came after last Sunday in Tokyo, Pompeo had dismissed the accusation of North Korea. made requests for denuclearization of the "gangster-like" type of the North. He claimed that his third visit to North Korea on Friday and Saturday had produced results. But he also promised that the sanctions would remain until Pyongyang honored Kim's promise to get rid of his atomic weapons.

Pompeo downplayed a North Korean statement severely criticized after the talks in which the US Department of Foreign Affairs attacked the United States for making unreasonable and exorbitant demands to force it to abandon nuclear weapons. The statement was sure to fuel growing skepticism in the United States and elsewhere on how Kim is serious about giving up his nuclear arsenal. "19659003" "If these requests looked like gangsters, the world is a gangster". UN Security Council resolutions demanded that the North get rid of nuclear weapons and put an end to its ballistic missile program. "People will make some comments after the meetings, if I paid attention to the press, I would go crazy and I would refuse to do it."

After meeting with his Japanese and South Korean counterparts in Tokyo, Pompeo said two days of talks in Pyongyang were productive and conducted in good faith. But after the bitter comments from the North, he left a lot of work.

"The road ahead will be difficult and challenging, and we know that critics will try to minimize the work we have done," he said. He added that his two-day talks with top North Korean officials had "progressed" and included a "detailed and substantive discussion on the next steps towards complete and verified denuclearization".

These include the formation of a working group to determine exactly how the denuclearization of North Korea will be verified and a meeting with Pentagon representatives to discuss the return of the remains of US soldiers killed during the Korean War.

Pompeo sought to dispel suggestions that the Trump administration dismantled complete, verifiable and irreversible nuclear weapons of the North. He said North Korea understood that denuclearization must be "fully verified" and "finalized".

South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-wha said that North Korea had renounced a complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization. reasons, but stressed that the goal remained the same, that this exact phrase be used. Fully verified, the final denuclearization "is no sweeter in the statement of our common goal of complete denuclearization," she said.

Despite what he calls progress, Pompeo said the results did not justify any relaxation of sanctions. Trump's historic summit with Kim in Singapore last month, the president said the North was no longer a threat and would deliver the remains of US soldiers. Yet three weeks later, both parties were still divided on all issues, including exactly what denuclearization means and how it could be verified. The promised remains have not yet been delivered.

And just hours after the arrival of Pompeo in Tokyo from Pyongyang on Saturday, the North lambasted the new talks, saying that they had been "regrettable".

In a statement from the North The Foreign Ministry said that the outcome of the Pompeo talks with senior official Kim Yong Chol was "very worrying" because it led to a "dangerous phase that could trigger our desire for denuclearization which had been firm ". [19659003] "We expected that the American side would propose constructive measures that would help build confidence on the basis of the spirit of the leaders' summit … we were also considering proposing reciprocal measures", the statement said. "However, the attitude and position of the United States at the first high-level meeting (between countries) was undoubtedly regrettable: our expectations and hopes were so naive that we could call them d & # 39; idiotic ".

raised the issue of officially ending the Korean War, which concluded with an armistice and not a peace treaty, but the US proposed various "conditions and excuses" to delay a declaration. He downplayed the importance of the US suspension of their military exercises with South Korea, which Trump cheated after the summit saying that he had made a bigger concession by blowing the tunnels on a nuclear test site. (d, s, id) {
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