Pregnancy 101: Five Unusual Things That Happen to Your Body (First Quarter)


The first trimester of a pregnant woman is a special period of her life. For one, she will be greeted with changes in her body as the baby begins to grow in her womb. It can be overwhelming to get through, especially if she is a beginner, but a lot of what happens during the first 12 weeks of her pregnancy is actually normal. In fact, they are even crucial for the development of his baby.

According to Dr. Ma. Neva Luna Batayola, Medical Director, it is important to know the physical and emotional changes that we will undergo during the first three months of her pregnancy. From morning sickness to constant urination, there are reasons behind the strange things that happen to her body during this crucial stage.

So here are five unusual things – but normal – that one must know during his first trimester: 19659002] Food Aversions

She could become more sensitive to certain smells and his taste for food could even change. Just like cravings, food aversion is often caused by hormonal changes in pregnancy.

In fact, it is possible to have an aversion to the food she used to enjoy and to want food that she did not like before. . This is due to the increased sense of smell and taste during pregnancy, which can make it nauseous.

As such, she must learn that there are foods to avoid, which can be harmful to her baby. raw eggs, raw meat, fish rich in mercury, unpasteurized milk, caffeine, and many others.

Morning sickness

It will be found that morning sickness does not only occur early in pregnancy. the day and will often start during the first month of her pregnancy. Curiously, nausea and vomiting can be a sign of a healthy pregnancy. The reason behind these episodes is the jamming of pregnancy hormones that begin to adapt to the uterus to prepare it for growth.

To relieve nausea, it is important that she avoid having an empty stomach. She should try to eat slowly in small amounts and drink plenty of water. However, it should be noted that morning sickness does not necessarily occur in all pregnant women. It is always good to know about this in case it would cause unnecessary concern.

Mood shift

To feel exalted at feeling anxious, a pregnant woman may find herself crossing an roller coaster of emotions by the sudden increase estrogen and progesterone, which are types of hormones that regulate one's mood.

She will also find that her metabolism has increased, while her blood glucose and blood pressure are decreasing. This could be a lot to take, but these feelings are normal and will continue until his 10th week and again in his third trimester. She should fight mood swings by taking the time to slow down in her usual routine and get enough rest.

Constant urination

An increase in blood production may result in excess fluid in the kidneys. in his bladder. This will make her end up urinating more often than usual.

She can not control it, but it will improve gradually over time. She should therefore hydrate by drinking six to eight glasses of water each day to maintain a healthy pregnancy

She will get tired easily

Yes, a pregnant woman is going to tired. But why not her when she cultivates another human inside her belly? It is normal and she will understand that during this time, sleeping and napping are important. It is best for her to just get enough rest by going to bed early when it is possible. A healthy diet and exercise could also help boost one's energy.

Many physical changes would have occurred by the time she reached the end of her first trimester. Hormones, mood changes, and fatigue all play a role in how she feels about her pregnancy. That's why it's important that she talk to a health professional to help her and guide her along the way. Finally, nutrition plays an important role in the development of his baby. Choosing the right breast milk is the key at this point.

ProMama®, a delicious tasting nutritional milk drink, is designed to support it during pregnancy, pregnancy and lactation. It is scientifically formulated with key nutrients needed for fetal brain formation and developments in the uterus, such as folic acid, DHA, choline and iodine.

Pregnancy will be an overwhelming time. for the baby in his belly. So, a mother should take care of herself, relax, listen to her body when she needs to rest, and start instituting healthy eating habits to ensure her baby's bright future. (PR)

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