PT & T clears NTC bonds, now set for 3rd telco bid »Manila Business Bulletin



By Emmie V. Abadilla

Philippine Telegraph and Telephone Corp. (PT & T) yesterday announced it has obtained a certificate from the National Telecommunications Commission (NTC), paving the way for its next major slot telco player slot.

PT & T logo

Telco regulators certified that PT & T has "no uncontested obligations to the NTC as of October 1, 2018 i.e., supervision and regulation fees (SRF), spectrum user fees (SUF), including penalties, surcharges and interests."

PT & T already paid P20.57 million spectrum users fee to NTC from 2003 to 2018 and the uncontested P10.27-million SRF for 2018.

"Since embarking on our revival, we have been clearing our way to meet the New Major Player or the 3rd Telco bid," according to James Velasquez PT & T President and CEO.

"With our long history of providing services to the Filipino people across the nation, we believe that we must meet the stringent requirements to participate, which is another proof of point of view," he underscored.

Based on the terms of reference of the NTC for the selection of new major players, it is recommended that SRF and SUF, other penalties, surcharges and interests in the agency of Oct. 1, 2018.

PT & T, a potential third player in the local telecom industry, bought bid documents for the new major player.

The government set the submission and opening of a bid for next month, November 7.

Under the final terms of reference issued by NTC and the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the potential bidders will be chosen based on the highest level of service over a period of five years.

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