Rainbow 6 seat ban for players using slurs


  Rainbow Six Sitting Bans

In March, Ubisoft promised fans that it would take additional measures to combat the toxic behavior of the community of Rainbow Six Siege . The developer has now kept his promise and has begun issuing instant bans to players who use racist or homophobic insults.

This development was revealed by PC Gamer yesterday when dozens of players reported that they were banned from use. insults. "F *** you guys, I just have a ban to say n **** in chat", complained a Twitter user. "Good," replied Ubisoft

When another user claimed that Rainbow Six Siege was rated M and implied that the developers had to focus on "real problems", the official Twitter account of the game answered: fight against toxicity and clean the environment Siege is a very real and important question. "

Depending on the seriousness of the offense, players may be suspended for 2-15 days.In extreme cases, they will be eligible for a permanent ban.

" Any language or content deemed illegal, dangerous , threatening, abusive, obscene, vulgar, defamatory, hateful, racist, sexist, ethically offensive or harassing is prohibited, " Rainbow Six Siege Code of Conduct

Intentional Murder A team is another problem that Ubisoft has promised to face, claiming that the fight against toxicity will be a continuous effort.

[Source: PC Gamer]

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