Read the touching letter of Anthony Bourdain to Josh Homme's daughter


She did not like the end of her father's guitar

  Read the touching letter of Anthony Bourdain to the daughter of Josh Man

Posted Jul 03, 2018

The collaborative partnerships between Anthony Bourdain and Josh Homme have led the two to maintain a long-standing friendship. The singer Queens of the Stone Age appeared on the late chef's show No Reservations and he teamed up with Mark Lanegan to write a theme song for the other program of Bourdain Anthony Bourdain :

In memory of Bourdain, Man recently shared a letter that the chief had written to his daughter, Camille, concerning the appearance of his father on No Reservations . In the opening sequence of the show, which we can see below, Bourdain approaching Man singing and playing guitar in the desert, taking his instrument and smashing it.

By telling the story on social media (June 29) wrote Bourdain to Bourdain: "Once Camille was so angry at you, she defended me, you too, you defend me, as we do. had done and would do many times over the years, and with care, as empathy, sweetness … you apologized to a little girl who was defending her father. "

Explaining that the guitar was in reference to Animal House Boudain's letter read:" You saw me take daddy's guitar and I'm sure it was upsetting … know that it was not really Daddy's guitar, and that we both played, dad would have been very angry if I had to do such a thing – and since he's a tall man, I would not be here yet to write this letter. our dad a lot. We are friends. Your dad was very kind to leave us with my team of cameramas all week at his favorite places and make some totally amazing music for us. "

Bourdain committed suicide in Strasbourg at the age of 61. His life and work will be explored in a new biography to be published in 2019.

Read his entire letter of apology.

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