Republicans blame Trump for rallying with Putin as Democrats call for action


His Republican colleague from Arizona, Mr. Flake, issued his own reprimand: "I would never have thought that I would see the day our American president would be on the scene with the Russian President and would blame the United States for aggression.It is shameful. "

Beyond Capitol Hill, even some Fox News personalities reported that they had finished defending the actions of President

Neil Cavuto, a Fox Business Network animator, called Mr. Trump's performance "disgusting." "I'm sorry, that's the only way I feel. This is not a right or left thing for me, it's just wrong, "he said.

Brit Hume, Senior Policy Analyst at Fox News, wrote on Twitter:" Because Trump is unable to see himself, he sees Russia interfering "

Even though congressional Republicans routinely dodge comments on the excesses of President Trump's performance in Helsinki was hard to ignore. Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee, outgoing chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, said that he did not think this was a good time for our country.

It was, he added, a very good time for Mr. Putin

"It was almost an endorsement, if you will, of a public endorsement by the largest nation of the earth towards it, "Corker told reporters. "I guess he's got caviar right now."

Senator Sasse from Nebraska criticized the equation of US equities with Russia's.

"It's weird and downright wrong," he wrote in a statement. "The United States is not to blame.America wants a good relationship with the Russian people, but Vladimir Putin and his thugs are responsible for the Soviet aggression." Moral equivalence, he gives Putin a propaganda victory he desperately needs. "

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