RISE Conference 2018: The Best Quotes and Best Takeaway (Day 3) – Gooruf.com


On the last day of RISE, the focus was on the growth of the SaaS market and the development of IoT. The third day also saw movie stars rubbing shoulders with Silicon Valley executives and social media influencers. Actor John Cho was on hand to promote his new film "Searching", a thriller centered on a father who is trying to find his missing daughter through his fingerprint.

See also:
– The best quotes and the main points to remember RISE (Day 1)
– The best quotes and the main recipes of RISE (Day 2)

The initiative of Hollywood to keep online search safe

"I think the sad part is that my character was forced to have his daughter's computer looking for clues, and then all along from the investigation, discovers that his daughter was "gone" before she was physically part. "

John Cho, actor

" Promoting "RISE" is a bit unusual but the film deals many unconventional topics. We are challenging engineers to develop software to promote child safety online. "

" Hollywood blurs so much technology. They cut to things that make no sense, so from the first day, we have implemented all the technological elements accurately and to this day. "

Sev Ohanian, Writer / Producer, Searching

" What we do with Sony and TechCrunch is creating a hackathon, to create a tool for parents to be more aware of what their children are doing. online, ideally in a Google Chrome extension. "

Aneesh Chaganty Director / Writer

How not to sell

"I do not want to be judged by less savvy people."

Marco Pierre White, chef on why he returned his 3 Michelin stars.

The New Age of Influencers

"The numbers are in the back of your mind, but it's about being true and authentic, so it's important that our audience invest in us as that people do something that satisfies you and your audience.You are not just chasing the numbers. "

" In the past, it was just YouTube or Facebook, but now it's on Twitch , Snapchat, Instagram .It's always the same thing, it's interacting with your followers .But sometimes it's very vulnerable to get in there. "

" It's important for people who want to be creative on the internet to find different ways to express themselves. "

Jenna Marbles, YouTube Personality on Maintaining a Faithful Fan Base and Creating authentic content.

Where I put my money this year

"Our investments require growth, long-term value creation for shareholders and significant synergies with JD's core businesses."

"Technology is our priority."

Winston Cheng – International President, JD.com talks about investing strategies.

The international experience of Tencent

"Tencent Games is one of the largest divisions and has started to introduce foreign games in China.Tencent has won the trust because of the way they introduced the games and located them for the Chinese market. "

" China, Korea and Japan account for half of the global video game market. "

Bring the Games to Asia.

"True leaders emerge in times of crisis"

Spencer Fung – Group CEO, Li & Fung

IoT in the Greater Bay Area

] " What I like the most in China is when they want to be great, they focus on subsidies, they focus on educational systems … they do a lot for that. "

"The Greater Bay area, without Hong Kong, being just China, I think it's a great opportunity for the rest of the world."

"In Hong Kong, we know that there is very little cross-border collaboration in Shenzhen I hope that the gear trains will help, but people still do not make the first trip "

Bay McLaughlin, co-founder of Brinc

" I have been living in Shenzhen for two years, and I would say that there is no substitute for developing materials than Shenzhen .However, it is still difficult for foreigners to live socially in Shenzhen. "

Jamie Salter 3rd Connection3rd President & CEO, Authentic Brands Group

Startup vs. Superstar: Can the Next Generation Compete?

"From 2008 to 2018, Xero went from 27 employees to over 2000+, $ 120K to $ 400M in revenue and 100 to 1.4 million subscribers."

Sankar Narayan – COO & CFO, Xero on startups and SaaS monopolies.

Catch them and keep them: Your guide for less churn

"Your degree is a shallow metric of what you know and what you can do."

Kelly Palmer – Learning Officer, Degreed offers perspectives on talent acquisition and integration.

See also:
– The best quotes and tips from RISE (Day 1)
– The best quotes and good notes from RISE (Day 2)

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