Robredo said: The Philippine economy is growing rapidly


Malacañang told Vice President Leni Robredo Thursday that the country's economy was growing robustly and defended President Rodrigo Duterte's remarks by calling him incompetent

in response to the Robredo's assertion that the president should focus on the economy. The presidential spokesman, Harry Roque, told Robredo that there was no problem with the Philippine economy and that he claimed to be "the second one". most dynamic country in the world "

" The evaluation of the president years in an elective position, in addition to his 10 years being a public prosecutor, "Roque told reporters. "It is therefore the assessment of a person who has served the government for about 40 years.

"Perhaps we should examine the merits of what he said, especially since we know the experience of the vice president.

Roque said that Robredo could have been hurt by the "honest and objective" assessment of the president's ability to run the country.

"The vice president should not take the assessment of the president is an insult, but perhaps a constructive criticism, said Mr. Roque.

But he admitted that the country was also experiencing economic difficulties due to inflation resulting from rising prices of petroleum products, rice and peso.

He said that the country was not the only nation that faced economic problems and cited China and the United States.

"There are challenges, the trade war between the United States and China."

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