Rudyard Kipling's poem If ripped off the wall by Manchester University students on "racism"


Students at the University of Manchester rubbed a Rudyard Kipling poem from a wall, claiming that the poet was a "racist".

Mr. Kipling's poem "If & # 39; which had been painted on the wall of the student building was removed by students on Tuesday

Manchester University student leaders told the Telegraph that they had removed the poem in an attempt to "reclaim" history "for those who had been" oppressed ".

million. Kipling "Represents the Contrary The students replaced Kipling's work with a poem by the American poet and civil rights activist Maya Angelou, called Still I Rise.

Mr. Kipling's work was criticized for

Sara Khan, in charge of the release and access to the Manchester Students' Union, said that the students should have been consulted during the union's renovation to prevent him from that the poem is put in place.

: "We, as an executive team, believe that Kipling represents the opposite of liberation, empowerment and human rights – the things for which we, as SUs, defend. "19659009" Well-known author of the racist poem "The Burden of the White Man", and a plethora of other works to legitimize the presence from the British Empire to India and to dehuman anise the people of color, it is deeply inappropriate to promote the work of Kipling in our SU, which bears his name Steve Biko, anti-apartheid activist in South Africa

"As a statement on the recovery of the & [[[historybythosewhohavebeenoppressedbypeoplelikeKiplingforsomanycenturiesandcontinuetobesowehavereplacedhiswordswiththoseofthelegendaryMayaAngeloublackpoetandcivilrightsactivist"

Rudyard Kipling has been criticized for his sympathy for colonialism (Getty Images)
Fatima Abid, secretary general of the American League of Machester, wrote on Twitter Monday: "Today, as a team, we have removed the work of an imperialist from the walls of our union to replace it. by words of Maya Angelou

"God knows that the black and brown voices have been written quite outside of history, and it's time we tried to reverse that, at least in our union "

A spokesman for Manchester Students Union told the Telegraph: we made a mistake in our approach to a recent work by not collecting the views of students early in the year. a new project.We accept that the result was inappropriate and for that we apologize "

M. Kipling was one of the most popular writers of 19 th and 20 century

He is famous for his children's literature such as The Jungle Book and Just So Stories.

The writer was born in Bombay and was criticized for writing a British Colo nialist perspective, some claiming that his work has racist connotations.

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