Samsung phones send photos to contacts without users knowing, Digital News


Samsung smartphones send user photos to their contacts without their permission, according to complaints from a number of people posted online.

The problem seems to affect users of Galaxy S9 and Galaxy Note 8.

On Reddit said that the entire photo library on his phone was sent by text message to his girlfriend, but there was no record of it on his mail application. He discovered that he had arrived via his T-Mobile newspapers.

Users report that there is a problem with Samsung Messages, the default email application on the devices of the South Korean company.

The application became "very buggy" after an update by T-Mobile for RCS (Rich Communication Services) messaging.

This new standard is a messaging protocol between different operators to facilitate the sending of videos and other media. It aims to replace traditional SMS messaging.

A Samsung spokesperson told CNBC by email that he was aware of the reports and that the technical teams were "looking into the matter". Customers "are encouraged to contact their local customer service team directly," added the spokesperson.

Later, Samsung updated the statement to indicate that it had investigated the problem and found that there was no hardware or software problem. Samsung has looked into this issue thoroughly in recent days, but no hardware or software issues have been identified in this particular case, although there have been no similar customer reports in the world, we will continue to study this issue in more detail. A spokesman told CNBC by email on Tuesday.

T-Mobile was not immediately available for comment. But the mobile network has made a statement to other news organizations saying that "this is not a T-Mobile problem."

This article was published on CNBC

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