SDCC 2018 Day 1 Recap: "Doctor Who", "The Predator," & "Star Wars" & # 39;


  Summary SDCC 2018

& # 39; The Predator & # 39; landed at San Diego Comic Con 2018. What did you miss from each other? Kimberley French – © TM & © 2018 Fox Century Film Corporation Twentieth Century

To quote the great Ron Burgundy, Comic-Con San Diego is a big problem. It's also an endless dream of geeky goodness fever so packed to the brim with trailers, looks and reveals that it can be hard to keep track of it all. So, to give you a hand, we recap the biggest and best of the first day of the SDCC 2018 (Thursday, July 19).

Here are the main things you need to know about film and television.

Disney Announces That Star Wars: The Clone Wars The Animated Series Will Come Back

Well, I certainly have not seen that coming.

As a big fan of Star Wars: The Clone Wars series, which ran from 2008 to 2014, I guess we had seen the latest adventures of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker between Episode II and Episode III of the main saga (I am still catching up Rebels ). Still, the #SaveCloneWars Twitter campaign seems to have worked while Star Wars animator Dave Filoni revealed, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the show, that Lucasfilm brings Clone Wars with 12 new episodes. They even dropped a trailer!

All aboard the hype train.

The show will be available on Disney's next streaming service with Jon Favreau's live action Star Wars series and a whole bunch of other goodies

The Walking Dead officially loses its lead

In May, it was said that The Walking Dead Star Andrew Lincoln would leave the series after only six episodes in the ninth season to come. Now we know for sure that Rick Grimes is about to leave TWD the creator Robert Kirkman has confirmed the departure of Lincoln during an interview with filmmaker Kevin Smith


Fox Screens More of The Predator

SDCC Hall H became a sacred place for science fiction / superhero / generally great projects to launch buzz campaigns . The Predator of 20th Century Fox by writer / director Shane Black (who, amusingly, played a role in the 1987 original). The band included Black and stars Sterling K. Brown, Olivia Munn, Keegan Michael Key, Thomas Jane and Trevante Rhodes.

The team showed some new footage of the movie in which a threatening Predator catches a sudden unexpected arrival of a significantly larger version. You can read the description of Entertainment Weekly for a more detailed breakdown of images

Doctor Who Season 11 Trailer

Hey, guess what? Sex exchange is not new to Hollywood, so if you are one of those "fans" who is all distorted that the Doctor is now a woman, GET OVER IT.

New star Jodie Whittaker was joined by showrunner Chris Chibnall and executive producer Matt Strevens in Hall H where they debuted the first trailer. Chibnall promised that the Doctor and his team would meet "a lot new monsters this year."

"All this is new to me," says Whittaker's Doctor in the trailer voiceover. "New friends, new worlds, new times, so if I really asked really, would you be my new best friends? Well, it's going to be fun!"

Charmed Reboot gets under way

The Restart of Charmed did not take advantage of the sweeter rides since it was announced , and The CW said that he was adding a new "feminist" scenario. That did not go well with the original actors such as Hollie Marie Combs, who played Piper for the eight seasons.

"I suppose we forgot to do this the first round." Hmph, "Combs wrote on Twitter at the time.

At SDCC, the network created the pilot episode – which would focus heavily on #TimesUp and #MeToo motions to some extent – and launched its producer Jennie Snyder Urman said about the restart: "The original was so much about empowering women and sorority and the strong women who take control of the world, and I think that's what we need now. was a good time to get back to that and show women kicking ass. "

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Takes Series Finale

Despite the growing excellence of the ex -Great friend of The CW co-creators Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna have always maintained that the show would not take place beyond four seasons. With the final scheduled for the first later this year, Brosh McKenna teased the final of the series.

"The last scene has always been the same, generally directionally, we knew what each chapter of the four would do," Bloom said, "This season is about putting the pieces together." The show is about inner happiness and how you can exteriorize it in your actions and that's what it's learning in season four. "

Unfortunately, fans should not expect any follow-up , as Bloom explained: "It's a finite story that we say, it's meant to be a very specific period in a woman's life … With regard to l & # 39; history, we tell a 62-hour film. "

Marvel's Iron Fist will return on Friday, September 7

? I do not know.

Iron Fist was easily the worst of the Marvel empire of Netflix, which is composed of Daredevil Jessica Jones Luke Cage The Punisher ] and the crossover mini-series The Defenders (which we may not see again because it could have been an expensive misfire). In fact, each of Marvel's respective series on the streaming platform is plagued by rhythm problems and a lack of intrigue to fill enough 13 episodes. But fortunately, the new showrunner Iron Fist by Raven Metzner ( Sleepy Hollow ), which was presented to the SDCC, may help to improve some of these problems


Alice Eve ( Star Trek in the Darkness ) was also introduced to the panel and will take on the villainous role of Typhoid Mary, who describes Eve as "very very violent, but the reason I took the role is because I have to play someone with multiple personalities. "

  Comic-Con 2018 Day 1 Highlights: From" Star Wars "to" The Predator "

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