Senate leader asks PNP to allow De Lima to hold detention hearings



THE PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE asked the Philippine National Police (PNP) to allow Senator Leila M. De Lima to hold hearings at the headquarters of the PNP

Senate President Vicente C. Sotto III wrote a letter to PNP Executive Director Oscar D. Albayalde to formally request the Philippine National Police (PNP) to allow Senator Leila De Lima to perform his duties as elected Senator of the country through the holding of hearings on pending measures at the Senate Committee on Social Justice, Welfare and Rural Development (Committee for brevity) – a committee that she chairs – in the premises of the PNP Custodial Center. "

Mr. Sotto added that as Leader of the Senate, he gave Ms. De Lima" full powers to perform her duties as Chairperson of the Committee, particularly to personally direct and preside over her hearings. "

to what had been applied in the case of Senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV when he was detained under the Arroyo administration.

The reason for the request of the Speaker of the Senate is that the pending measures of the committee in the Senate "will be given Mr. Sotto said: [TRADUCTION]

Bills awaiting examination by the Committee," if they are adopted, will be useful to all Filipinos in general and give to the "

The pending bills cited by Mr. Sotto are:" 1.) Public Solicitation Act; 2.) National Rotary Day, February 23rd of each year, 3.) Magna Carta of the Poor, 4.) Magna Carta Day Care Workers, 5.) Law on the Protection of Emergency Volunteers, 6. ) Social Services and Development Act, and 7.) Rural Employment Assistance Program Act. "

" Thus, the holding of a hearing of the Committee is vital, "he said

Senator Francis N. Pangilinan, ally of Ms. De Lima to the Liberal Party. said: "Our gratitude and our support go to the Senate Speaker, Vicente Sotto III, for officially requesting the participation of Senator Leila de Lima in the hearings before her committee."

"It is fair and just for Senator De Lima to be allowed to serve as a member of the legislature." In spite of her unfair incarceration, Senator De Lima expressed her desire to exercise her lawmaker functions and help to develop laws beneficial to the people, "said Mr. Pangilinan in his statement. – G.M. Cortez

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