Skip-Care Is The Latest Korean Skincare Trend Lazy Girls Will Love


Although our love of beauty imports usually knows no bounds (CC Cream, cushion blushers, Bioderma micellar water we’re looking at you), at one point or another the 11-step Korean skincare routine got a little overwhelming.

Taking our roll out of bed two-minute morning routine to a full half hour of lotions, essences and acid exfoliators, not to mention more than our fair share of confusion about what our skin actually needs, and it’s fair to say the K-beauty situation got a little out of hand.

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Yes, we still love our gold sheet masks, and snail slime jelly face packs remain satisfyingly wobbly, but an opportunity to pare back our skincare is a welcome one. Which is where Skip-Care comes in.

 Skip Care Korean Skincare Trend

Alessandro Zeno

The latest millennial skincare trend to emerge from beauty mecca Korea, Skip-Care is all about giving your regime a much-needed detox aka literally skipping products.

Think Marie Kondo but for your moisturiser.

‘Skip-care is a skincare method that allows you to identify the essential ingredients for your skin and avoid the use of unnecessary products for a simpler, yet proper, skincare routine,’ Korean brand AmorePacific told Byrdie.

Skip Care Korean Skincare Trend

Matteo Scarpellini

Which means stripping back your go-to products to those that actually work. It might sound obvious but with more and more skincare categories making their way into our daily application process, it makes sense to take a step back and re-evaluate what your skin actually needs. In this case, more isn’t more. Sensitive skin rejoice!

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Instead of one product for brightening, hydrating, exfoliating, detoxing (the list goes on…), Skip-Care suggests you find products that cover multiple benefits.

Fewer products, same amount of benefits. Genius.

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