Southeast Asians descend from four ancient populations


Southeast Asians derive the ancestry of at least four different ancient populations, say scientists who analyzed the 8000-year-old skeleton extracted DNA and demystified two existing theories about the Origin of humans in the region.

Southeast Asia is one of the most genetically diverse regions in the world, but for more than 100 years, scientists have disagreed about the theory of the origin of the population from the region was correct.

According to one theory, native Hoabinhian hunter-gatherers who inhabited Southeast Asia 44,000 years ago were adopting independent agricultural practices, without the input of the first farmers of Asia from the East.

Another theory "favors the view that migrant rice farmers of what is now China have replaced the native Hoabinhian hunter-gatherers."

A study, published in the journal Science, shows that No theory is completely accurate.The researchers found that current populations in Southeast Asia are derived from at least four ancient populations.

The DNA of skeletons humans from Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos and Japan date back to 8000 years.

Scientists have only previously succeeded in sequencing than 4,000-year-old samples

The samples also included Hoabinhian hunter-gatherer DNA and a Japanese Jomon – a first scientific, revealing a long suspected genetic link between the two populations.

In total, 26 old seq Human genome uences were studied by the group and compared with modern DNA samples from people living in Southeast Asia today.

Amount of effort in recovering old DNA from tropical Southeast Asia that could shed new light on this area of ​​rich human genetics, "said Eske Willerslev, who holds positions at Cambrid University "The fact that we were able to obtain 26 human genomes and shed light on the incredible genetic wealth of groups in the region today is amazing," said Willerslev, who said led the study.

"The history of human occupation in Southeast Asia remains highly debated. Our research focused on Hoabinhian at the Iron Age and found that current populations in Southeast Asia are derived from at least four ancient populations. It's a much more complex model than previously thought, "says Fernando Racimo, assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen

(this story was not published by the staff of Business Standard and is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.) 19659014]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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