Teenager with extra arms coming out of her body is having them finally removed


A teenager with two extra arms and a torso pushing her body must finally have them removed

14-year-old Veronica Cominguez was born with a parasitic twin who grew up on her body.

develop properly but continued to grow with Veronica.

Veronica Cominguez, 14, was born with a parasitic twin that grows on her body (Photo: Viral Press)
The twin has obviously failed to develop properly but has continued to grow with Veronica (Photo: Viral Press)

Now, the Iligan City Schoolgirl in the Philippines will remove enough money for them to be transported to Thailand for an operation.

She said, "When I was little, I thought it was just a foot. But growing up, he became taller. It's heavy, it limits my movement. He continues to oscillate. My dress is often wet.

Veronica's mother, Flora Cominguez, said their family had twins.

She could not see a doctor properly during her pregnancy but said that she knew that it was twins.

She even had a name for both. Unfortunately, the other baby did not develop fully.

Now, the schoolgirl of Iligan City, Philippines, will kidnap them after the villagers have reaped enough money (Photo: Viral Press)
She could not see a doctor properly during her pregnancy but she said that she knew that it was twins (Photo: Viral Press)

Flora said that Veronica's belly button would always be wet because of the liquid coming out of it. Sometimes the discharge has blood on it.

She added, "The liquid coming out of the opening smells bad, like human shedding."

According to Veronica's doctor, the extra limbs can be removed by a simple operation.

Dr. Beda Espineda, a pediatric surgeon at the Children's Medical Center of the Philippines, who also takes care of Veronica's medical record, said, "Most of these cases can be removed. Because, generally, the body structures involved are not vital.

"Most of them are simply attached to the skin or the bones. For surgeons, it is easy to remove.

Veronica's mother, Flora Cominguez, said her family had twins (Photo: Viral Press)

Veronica now expects to have her "twin" who has become a parasite,

The Local government office of his village, which placed him under his social protection scheme, said that she was due to visit Thailand in the coming weeks for the procedure.

A Barangay spokesman The Kabacsanan council said: "It was agreed that Veronica would have an operation. and we hope that she will live a normal and healthy life after that.

"Life was not easy for her but it's a very sensible, intelligent and mature girl. This is a wonderful student. Everyone is very happy for her that she may soon have an operation. & # 39;

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