(UPDATE) A pause in the rainy weather and the establishment of an advanced operations base inside twisting chambers have made it possible for 12 boys and their assistant football coach could be located and tense soon
RESCUE. Thai rescuers (in orange) help Thai air force soldier enter Tham Luang Cave, Khun Nam Nang Park, Chiang Rai Province, June 30 2018, while the rescue operation continues for the children of a football team and their coach. Photo by Lillian Suwanrumpha / AFP
MAE SAI, Thailand (UPDATE) – Rescue divers approached a flooded cave where 12 boys and their football coach were missing more than one. a week after days of bad weather.
The children, aged 11 to 16, and their 25-year-old assistant coach have not been heard since they ventured into the recesses of Tham Luang Cave in the north of Thailand on Saturday, June 30, and were
But the clouds separated on Sunday, July 1 and with the help of water pumps, divers were able to establish an advanced base of operation in torsion chambers, which gives hope that the "boars", as the team "We are today in full light, the roads are passable," said Narongsak Osottanakorne, governor of Chiang province Rai, Sunday afternoon. 19659006] He said that the water levels in the cave had decreased and that about 60 foreign and Thai divers were involved in the rescue effort.
"Today, we must rush to the children," said the Thai Navy commander and Rear Admiral Apakorn Yookongkaew on the site. "We will not stop until we find them."
Respondents place extra oxygen tanks, strong ropes, and LED lights along the walls of the cave in the hope that they can provide a path to an airy room called Pattaya. Beach.
Rescuers advanced 600 meters from the base to the Pattaya site, while heavy boreholes were drilled into separate chimneys outside the cave to attempt to establish communication with them. boys
. comes after a week of heavy rains that hit the region near the borders of Myanmar and Laos, making access to Tham Luang difficult
"I feel happy as I have never felt since The head coach of the football team, Nopparat Khanthavong, 37, told Agence France-Presse last Sunday: "The rain has stopped and Rescue teams have found a way to reroute the water course, "he said." Families are feeling a lot better too. "
" I miss them " [19659006] The dramatic wait has pierced Thailand, capturing the attention of social media users, dominating the front pages of newspapers and seizing the international scene.
Buddhist monks from all over Chiang Rai gathered in a local school to pray for the football team
Teams of 39 foreign experts from Australia, England, Japan and China, including more than 30 US military, descended on the remote mountain site to join some 1,000 Thai rescuers.
The field where wild boars used to practice is now a helipad used to lift heavy machinery.
"Every day conditions change," Agence France-Presse spokeswoman Jessica Tait, spokeswoman for US troops, told reporters. . "With the improvement of weather conditions, I hope that other areas and some efforts will be easier and easier."
Large pumps were installed in a nearby village to drain the river. Water from the area.
At 10 Kilometers Tham Luang is one of Thailand's longest and most difficult caves to navigate, but drilling experts hope that its limestone formations could allow for a series of holes and holes. alternative inputs to be explored by the camera
. vertical, but slanted, "said AFP Suthisak Soralump, a geotechnical engineer responsible for the effort." But anyway, we sent our best team to Thailand, so let's try. "
Officials said that the boys knew the site well and visited it several times, so they were able to find shelter, discovered footprints and footprints in a room earlier in the week, and further afield. 39, where they retrieved the children's football boots, backpacks and bicycles.
Family members and friends held vigilantes, "said Thananchai Saengtan, 15, a friend of the 39, one of the boys. "I want them to come back so we can play football together." – Rappler.com
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